The Rangers

Big Life employs hundreds of local Maasai rangers to protect the Greater Amboseli ecosystem.  Big Life’s rangers are expertly trained and well-equipped, working around-the-clock to protect and secure some of the world’s most iconic species and their habitats. 

the rangersWith animals constantly moving beyond protected park boundaries into unprotected areas with increasing human populations, the future for conservation will be determined by working closely with and supporting local communities. This is the heart of Big Life’s ethos: if conservation supports the local community, then the local community will support conservation.

These community rangers are the embodiment of that ethos and the heart of Big Life’s operations protecting wildlife and wild lands. They’re on the frontlines of conservation, operating in sometimes dangerous conditions, often away from their families for weeks at a time to protect some of earth’s most treasured wildlife.

Big Life’s rangers conduct extensive daily patrols on foot and by vehicle to gather intelligence, detect and intercept illegal activity, monitor activity via hidden field cameras, and use the latest night-vision and GPS technology to thwart poachers and prevent habitat destruction. Working alongside Kenya Wildlife Service and our network of informers from local communities, Big Life rangers are able to prevent most instances of poaching and successfully apprehend poachers who do manage to kill. Once poachers are apprehended, Big Life works with local prosecutors to ensure that they are punished to the fullest, and most appropriate, extent of the law.

381 Trained Rangers
45 Ranger Units
32 Permanent Outposts
11 Mobile Units


Becoming a Big Life Ranger

For some, growing up alongside the most amazing animal species on the planet ignites a desire to protect. Not everyone rises up to meet the challenges and demands of being a community ranger in Africa, but Daniel Kutata has.  Learn about the work Kutata does as a ranger for Big Life Foundation and how you can help.  Video by: Saving the Wild



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