200720 Big Life Community Ranger Amos Saab portrait

Amos Saab

Age: 33 years

Home: Kimana

Rank/Position: Constable, Monitoring and Evaluation Ranger

When did you start working for Big Life? 2018

Team: Kimana Sanctuary

What drove you to become a ranger? I come from a very humble background, and my dreams of higher education were cut short when my family wasn’t able to raise my secondary school fees. After that, I worked in casual jobs until I heard of the recruitment of rangers to work at the Kimana Sanctuary. Since then, this job has changed my life.

What role do you play in your team? In every ranger team there is a ranger designated with the collection and recording of data using both digital and paper-based monitoring and evaluation tools. This data is used in our operational reports and is vital in making informed security decisions.

What challenges do you face in your line of work? Every day we conduct foot patrols and come across diverse species of wildlife with only our bush-craft skills to protect us, this puts us at risk but our resolve keeps us going each morning.

Being able to balance family and work is also a challenge. Over the years, I have learned that this job requires a lot of sacrifice. It’s always difficult to leave your family.

What benefit have you gained from working for Big Life? When I joined Big Life I didn’t have much to my name, but I have a stable income to support my family of three kids and one wife. 

Photo: Bobby Neptune

Big Life rangers face extremely difficult challenges on a daily basis, which have only increased amidst a global pandemic. Keeping our rangers properly funded to continue their vital work in the field is more important than ever for the future of the wildlife, wild lands, and people of East Africa. Please consider a monthly contribution to our Ranger Club to support these dedicated rangers. Any amount helps! And for those that sign up in July, or increase your existing Ranger Club membership amount, you will be entered to win a gift featuring Big Life-branded merchandise.