240711 join the rc

When we asked Sergeant Sinkoi Kanchori of our Chyulu Hills Ranger Unit what he liked most about being a Big Life ranger, he said, “I enjoy being a ranger because it provides me with a steady salary. This means I can look after my family and pay for my children’s school fees. I am also proud to protect the landscape I grew up in, and I would be very sad to see iconic animals like lions, giraffes, rhinos, and elephants disappear. My work as ranger ensures that the wild animals that were so plentiful when I was a boy can continue to prosper in this ecosystem.”

That’s the spirit with which we created the Ranger Club, our monthly giving program. For Sergeant Kanchori, a steady salary means the world of difference for his family and his ability to protect the ecosystem he grew up in.

Our rangers are the core of our operations, and the heart and soul of our conservation success in Greater Amboseli. Without them, the fabric of Amboseli would unravel.

And without you, none of it is possible. By becoming a monthly donor in Big Life’s Ranger Club program, you not only support the protection of threatened wildlife and habitats, you also help us conserve resources. Monthly giving maximizes the impact of your gift by providing reliable funding for our conservation programs.

Throughout the month of July in the lead up to World Ranger Day, new Ranger Club members, or existing members who increase their monthly gift, will receive a special thank you from Big Life.

There are other perks to joining, including exclusive program updates, an annual impact report, and discounts on Big Life merchandise in our e-store.

Please join the Ranger Club today! 📸: Jeremy Goss