Partnering with Communities
To Protect Nature
For the Benefit of All.
Elephants on parade
Protecting Wildlife
Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict
Securing Habitat
Supporting the Community
Our vision is to create a world where conservation supports the people, so that people support conservation.
Protecting Wildlife
Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict
Securing Habitat
Supporting the Community
Our vision is to create a world where conservation supports the people, so that people support conservation.
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Rangers like Mutinda need your support
today to continue protecting East Africa's
wildlife and wild lands.
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Rangers like Mutinda need your
support today to continue protecting
East Africa's wildlife and wild lands.
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Kilometers Patrolled
Suspects Arrested
Tools/Weapons Confiscated
Elephants Poached Since 2019
Rhinos Poached Since 2016
tusks5,000+ kg
of Ivory Confiscated Since 2015
Kilometers Patrolled
Suspects Arrested
Tools/Weapons Confiscated
Elephants Poached Since 2019
Rhinos Poached Since 2016
tusks5,000+ kg
of Ivory Confiscated Since 2015
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from the field.

28-3 Jan/Feb 2025
This week: Rangers responded to the report of an abandoned zebra foal and reunited it with a nearby herd and suspected mother // Rangers prevented lions from entering homesteads // Rangers and partners arrested suspects in possession of 5 live tortoises // Rangers responded to the report of a deceased adult elephant, tusks were recovered, more to follow // Rangers and partners arrested suspects for harvesting sandalwood // Rangers responded to the report of an abandoned juvenile wildebeest, responded to reunited with a nearby herd

21-27 January 2025
This week: Rangers and partners made several arrests in separate incidents for illegally logging in national park, possession of ivory, and possession of miraa //  Rangers removed a generator that was running along the river with an oil leak that contaminated drinking water // Rangers recovered a large snare

13-20 January 2025
This week: Rangers and partners made several arrests for possession of miraa, charcoal, and ivory // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers responded to the report that a lion was speared while attacking a cow inside boma, rangers determined the wound is not life threatening and will monitor, later sighting showed the lion was healing // Rangers intercepted a tractor at farm without documents, and at another location a borehole driller neither with relevant documents, more to follow // Report of feline stuck in between rocks, rangers responded and captured and released the Serval into sanctuary

06-12 January 2025
This week: Rangers responded to the report of a limping lion, no physical injury, will monitor // Rangers responded to several reports of elephants crossing the crop protection fence, damages were repaired // A ranger was injured by a charging elephant and taken for treatment // 2 arrest incidents made with partners involving bushmeat poaching // Rangers located a farm inside conservancy, more to follow // Rangers located 2 people digging holes for fencing without relevant documents, more to follow


28-3 Jan/Feb 2025
This week: Rangers responded to the report of an abandoned zebra foal and reunited it with a nearby herd and suspected mother // Rangers prevented lions from entering homesteads // Rangers and partners arrested suspects in possession of 5 live tortoises // Rangers responded to the report of a deceased adult elephant, tusks were recovered, more to follow // Rangers and partners arrested suspects for harvesting sandalwood // Rangers responded to the report of an abandoned juvenile wildebeest, responded to reunited with a nearby herd

21-27 January 2025
This week: Rangers and partners made several arrests in separate incidents for illegally logging in national park, possession of ivory, and possession of miraa //  Rangers removed a generator that was running along the river with an oil leak that contaminated drinking water // Rangers recovered a large snare

13-20 January 2025
This week: Rangers and partners made several arrests for possession of miraa, charcoal, and ivory // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers responded to the report that a lion was speared while attacking a cow inside boma, rangers determined the wound is not life threatening and will monitor, later sighting showed the lion was healing // Rangers intercepted a tractor at farm without documents, and at another location a borehole driller neither with relevant documents, more to follow // Report of feline stuck in between rocks, rangers responded and captured and released the Serval into sanctuary

06-12 January 2025
This week: Rangers responded to the report of a limping lion, no physical injury, will monitor // Rangers responded to several reports of elephants crossing the crop protection fence, damages were repaired // A ranger was injured by a charging elephant and taken for treatment // 2 arrest incidents made with partners involving bushmeat poaching // Rangers located a farm inside conservancy, more to follow // Rangers located 2 people digging holes for fencing without relevant documents, more to follow

Charity Navigator Four Star
Best in America
Candid Platinum Transparency 2023
Charity Navigator Four Star
Best in America
Candid Platinum Transparency 2023