Radio Room

Radio Room

The Radio Room is the ‘nerve center’ controlling all Big Life ranger operations.

Utilizing state-of-the-art technology, EarthRanger, our Radio Room operators can see our full area of operation on one screen. This includes real-time locations of our ranger units, vehicles, aircraft, and tracker dogs, and allows us to control responses to incidents across the ecosystem from start to finish.

This is just a snapshot of what our rangers respond to on any given day across Greater Amboseli:


10 September 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of 2 pieces of elephant tusk weighing 30kgs // Elephant went inside the crop protection fence, damaged 2 shorts posts, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers located a tractor clearing brush on 10 acres and stopped them // Joint response to a fire that broke out, successfully put the fire out, cause of fire unknown // Jackal killed 2 goats in 1 incident, hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 cow in 2 incidents

9 September 2024
Joint operation led to the recovery of 45 snares laid by unknown suspects // Elephant crossed the crop protection fence and exited damaging wires and gate posts, fence attendants made repairs // Jackal killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

8 September 2024
Report of lion on local waterhole camera with a snare on the neck, rangers responded and located the lion, vet responded to dart and remove the snare // Rangers responded to a fire that broke out burning approximately 2,000 acres, fire was extinguished // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat and injured 1 cow in 2 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat

7 September 2024
Rangers detained 2 suspects carrying timber while trespassing without permit, suspects were warned after it was confirmed they took a wrong turn // Elephant crossed the crop protection fence and uprooted a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 6 September 2024
Rangers followed up on a farm and stopped the ongoing fencing as they had no documents and instructed them to leave the site // Leopard killed 1 goat, hyena killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

5 September 2024
Rangers arrested 1 suspect with giraffe meat weighing 1.5kg, also recovered 2 lights, 2 snares, and 1 knife // Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect illegally carrying 4 logs and handsaw in national park // Rangers located and put out a small fire that erupted, cause of fire unknown // Rangers located the elephant that was treated on 8/17, moving but limping // Lion killed 2 cow and 2 goats in 3 incidents, hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

4 September 2024
Rangers followed up on a farm that was cleared, no one found // Rangers responded to a report of a fire that broke out that burned approximately 10 acres, cause of fire unknown // Rangers discovered 2 adult buffalo fighting near crop protection fence, damaging a short post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to a call from the community about a cow stuck in a hole, rangers were able to rescue the cow and return it home // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow and 1 goat

3 September 2024
Rangers responded to a call from the community about an injured zebra, rangers located the ebra and confirmed it was the same zebra reported on 8/26 and is an old injury // Lion killed 2 goats and injured 1 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

25 July 204
Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of 400kgs of sandalwood // Community member reported a zebra had given birth by his home, rangers responded and moved the foal to a safer area, the mother zebra joined too // Jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 goat

24 July 2024
Rangers responded to a report of an elephant with an injury on its back, searched the area but did not find the individual // Elephant went inside the crop protection fence and exited through a gate, damaged 2 tall posts, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow and injured 1

23 July 2024
Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Jackal killed 2 goats, cheetah killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

22 July 2024
Big Life and partner intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of pangolin scales weighing .2kg // Hyena killed 6 goats and 1 calf in 6 incidents 21 July 2024
Jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

20 July 2024
Tracker dog unit responded to a community complaint of stolen goods, tracked the suspect to the road but lost the trail // Rangers prevented 2 elephant crop raids // Lion killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

19 July 2024
Rangers found someone drilling for water, some documents were produced, but they were stopped because the documents were not complete // Big Life intel led to the recovery of 8 medium snares // Lion killed 1 goat and injured 1 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 4 goats, caracal killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 18 July 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant that were on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers were unable to push them out, but they later exited on their own, damaging a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 5 goats in 5 incidents, lion killed 1 goat and injured 1 in 2 incidents 17 July 2024
Rangers responded to a report of a house that was on fire and helped to put it out, cause of fire unknown // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat 16 July 2024
Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Elephant attempted to cross the crop protection fence, damaged a post, fence attendants made repairs // Lion killed 1 cow, jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 calf

15 July 2024
Follow up to farm where 3 were arrest, tractor clearing same farm without documents, authorities informed // Lion killed 2 cow

14 July 2024
Big Life intel led to a joint operation and arrest of 2 suspects with 48kg of sandalwood // Leopard killed 1 goat, hyena killed 5 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats, cheetah killed 1 goat

13 July 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspects clearing and fencing a farm // Follow up from previous day, lost person was found by herders // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

12 July 2024
Fence attendants made repairs in 2 instances after elephant crossed the crop protection fence // Rangers successfully put out a fire that burned approximately 50 acres // Rangers prevented lion from breaking into bomas in 2 instances // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 goat

11 July 2024
Joint operation to extinguish a fire was successful, unknown cause of fire // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence damaging a gate, fence attendants made repairs // Tracker dog team worked with community to search for missing person // Lion killed 3 goats and 2 cow in 3 incidents

10 July 2024
Elephant crossed the crop protection fence and damaged a post and wires, exited on their own, fence attendants made repairs // Joint operation led to the recovery of 2 snares targeting large animals // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Jackal killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 cow, lion killed 5 cow in 2 incidents

9 July 2024
Rangers located and stopped people constructing a house // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow 8 July 2024
Joint operation led to the halt of a water driller who were unable to produce necessary documents // Rangers pushed away elephant during crop raid // Lion killed 1 donkey and 1injured 1goat in 2 incidents, Hyena killed 1 goat

7 July 2024
Elephant crossed the crop protection fence, damaged 1 short post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers stopped illegal water pumping in 2 locations // Rangers prevented 2 crop raids // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 3 cow in 3 incidents, caracal killed 1 goat

6 July 2024
Elephant crossed the crop protection fence, damaging a tall post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers followed up on a number of illegal farm development locations // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 donkey in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 cow, leopard killed 1 goat

5 July 2024
Fence attendants repaired a gate and pole after an elephant attempted to cross the crop protection fence // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

4 July 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of a pair of ivory and an additional piece weighting 58kg // Rangers pushed away elephant from human settlements in 3 incidents // Rangers responded to a community member who discovered broken pieces of tusk to hand over to authorities // Jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat

3 July 2024
Rangers responded to a report of elephant inside a private fenced farm, they pushed them out and away from settlements // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 4 goats and 1 cow in 4 incidents

2 July 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects for illegal development activities // Rangers responded to the report of elephant inside a boma, and identified a damaged gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat

1 July 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant that went on the inside of the crop protection fence, damaged 2 tall posts, exited around the same area uprooting 1 tall gate post and 1 short post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat

30 June 2024
Rangers investigated a report about lion that entered a fenced in area and confirmed that they entered and exited on their own // Follow up to development violations led to the arrest of 3 people // Rangers stopped workers installing a new fence and are planning to talk to the owner // Rangers prevented 2 elephant crop raids // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 29 June 2024
Fence attendants repaired a damaged gate post after elephant damage // Joint operation led to the recovery of 10 freshly laid snares // Hyena killed 1 donkey and 1 goat in 2 incidents, 1 cow killed by lion

28 June 2024
Rangers responded to the report of an elephant blocking a path within human settlements, rangers pushed him away // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, 1 cow injured by lion

27 June 2024
Rangers responded to a report that a person was killed by a buffalo and confirmed that a young boy was charged in the same area, but wasn't injured, rangers pushed the buffalo toward sanctuary // Hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents 26 June 2024
Joint operation led the arrest of a sandalwood dealer and recovered 283kgs of sandalwood // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited the same way, damaged a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow

25 June 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects for development violations // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

24 June 2024
Rangers responded to the report of an active fire from temporary bomas, rangers successfully put it out // Hyena killed 8 goats and jackal killed 1 goat 23 June 204
Rangers followed up on a development violation, discovered ongoing activity and stopped them 22 June 2024
Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 21 June 2024
Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, damaged 1 short post, fence attendants made repairs // Joint operation let to the arrest of a shovel driver for development violations // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents

20 June 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with bushmeat, knife, snare, and motorcycle were recovered // Follow up on development violations, 1 arrested for developing without documents // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

19 June 2024
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, and exited the same way, damaged a tall post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence and pushed them toward conservancy // Lion killed 2 goats, hyena killed 1 goat

18 June 2024
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence and exited the same way, uprooted a post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 3 cow in 2 incidents

17 June 2024
Rangers tracked and located the injured elephant from the previous day, vet informed, rangers to monitor for treatment, more to follow // Rangers prevented 2 elephant crop raids // Jackal killed 1 goat

16 June 2024

Rangers received information about an adult elephant dragging his right front leg, ranger teams monitoring, vet informed // Big Life staff assisted in helping victims of an accident involving 2 motorbikes, administered first aid and took them to hospital // Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 people for illegal development // Received information from partner about a lion killed after attacking cow, more to follow // Report of 2 elephant crop raids // Hyena Killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 2 cow in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

15 June 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 1 piece of elephant tusk weighing 4kgs // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 5 logs // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 4 suspects with 1 pair of ivory but into 5 pieces // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited on its own, basal wire damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Report of 4 elephant crop raids last night // Rangers responded to the report of a community member herder who injured himself, rangers administered first aid and taken to medical center // Lion killed 2 goats , 1 donkey and injured 1 donkey in 4 incidents

14 June 2024
Joint operation for meeting in area with lion breaking into bomas, community calmed down, predator lights requested // Joint operations for arrests of 3 suspects for illegal development violations // Hyena killed 9 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

13 June 2024
Rangers received and confirmed information about an ongoing clearance on a farm, workers said they won't stop without a stop order letter, authorities informed, more to follow // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 3 cow calves and 1 goat kid in 2 incidents

12 June 2024
Rangers received multiple reports of elephant crop raids // Rangers responded to a report of cow killed by lion, confirmed 3 cow killed, community situation calm // Hyena killed 1 goat

11 June 2024
Joint operation follow led to the arrest of 1 suspect illegally clearing a farm // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 5 goats in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

10 June 2024
Report received about a new farm being cleared, more to follow // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat

9 June 2024
Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding

8 June 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 6 suspects with 2 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 50kg and 4 live terrapins // Rangers followed up at the location where lion had been killing livestock, no tracks found, but community say they saw them // Reports of elephant crop raids // Hyena killed 3 goats and 3 goat kids in 4 incidents

7 June 2024
Rangers located an abandoned zebra foal and reunited it with nearby herd and suspected mother // Report of 5 elephant crop raids // Lion killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

6 June 2024
Rangers located a new farm being developed with 10 workers, rangers stopped the activity and arrested the suspects due to lack of relevant documents // Report of lion that killed 2 donkeys, community chased them away and demanding the lion be moved, partner chopper patrolled but did not locate the lion // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 6 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 2 goats and 2 donkeys in 3 incidents

5 June 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 6 suspects for development violations // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat

4 June 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspects with one pair of ivory cut into 8 pieces weighing 20kg // Rangers responded to the report of lion that got into a boma and killed a cow, herder injured on his hand while trying to rescue the cow, community initially tracked the lions but joint response with elders calmed them down and agreed to not retaliate and wait for compensation // Joint follow up to illegal farm development led to the arrest of 4 suspects // Leopard killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat and 1 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

3 June 2024
Rangers responded to the report of lion that attempted to hunt cow, community members followed the lion but no lion injured, rangers assisted and calmed them down // Rangers received the report of lion that attempted to break into a boma in the night but were unsuccessful, later chased school children, community request for urgent assistance // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 and injured 1 cow

2 June 2024
Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Lion killed 2 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, leopard killed 20 goats

1 June 2024
Rangers prevented lion from entering boma and pushed them away // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

31 May 2024
Rangers pushed elephant away from crop protection fence toward sanctuary // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow and 1 goat, injured 1 goat in 3 incidents

30 May 2024
Rangers located a drilling rig with the intention to drill water, joint operation led to the hault of the work for lack of relevant documents // Rangers prevented elephant from entering farm // Jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat

29 May 2024
Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow calf in 2 incidents

28 May 2024
Rangers stopped farm clearing activity due to lack of relevant documents // Rangers pushed away lion from settlements // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 goats

27 May 2024
Rangers prevented and elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow calf

26 May 2024
Rangers searched for the injured elephant previously reported, but did not locate it, operation to continue // Elephant went inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed the elephant away // Lion killed 1 cow and 2 donkeys in 2 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

25 May 2024
Lion killed 2 cow and 1 goat in 3 incidents

24 May 2024
Follow up to the giraffe with a snare on its neck, vet responded and successfully darted the giraffe, rangers confirmed it was not a snare but an old tyre ring that wounded the neck, wound was cleaned and treated // Rangers pushed away hyena from settlements // 1 cow killed by lion, jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 goat

23 May 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 8kgs miraa // Rangers arrested 3 suspects with 3 sacks of charcoal //Rangers responded to the report of elephant with injury on the foreleg at waterhole, but did not locate the individual // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

22 May 2024
Rangers responded to a report and found a giraffe with a snare on its neck, vet informed // Report of elephant that damaged water dam fence // Hyena killed 1 goat

21 May 2024
Lion killed 1 goat

20 May 2024
Joint operation located the injured elephant calf, despite efforts, the calf died during treatment //  Rangers followed up on 2 farms, both had activities ongoing, more to follow // Report of 2 elephant crop raids // Jackal killed 1 goat, lion injured 1 cow

19 May 2024
Rangers located an elephant calf with an injury on the back leg, vet informed, attempt to capture unsuccessful as the mother elephant charged, no one was injured, elephant and calf left, cause of injury suspected snare // Rangers located a new farm with several acres cleared, no one present, more to follow // Rangers responded to a report of buffalo within settlements, pushed him away but reported to have returned, more to follow // Rangers responded to a report of lion attempted to hunt cow, rangers confirmed no conflict and lion went into thick bush // Lion killed 1 cow and 1 goat, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 18 May 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 1 piece of ivory tusk weighing 7kgs // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents 17 May 2024
Rangers responded to the report of a hippo inside a natural water dam, authorities informed as this is close to a primary school // Rangers received a report about a sick collard lion, vet informed, more to follow // Hyena killed 5 goats in 3 incidents 16 May 2024
Rangers pushed away hyena from settlements // Rangers pushed away lion from within settlements

15 May 2024
Report received of an elephant crop raid // Joint response to collared lion in boma who killed 1 cow calf //Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

14 May 2024
Rangers followed up on land use issues and stopped them until documents are produced // Rangers responded to the report of a cow badly injured by lion // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat 13 May 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 60kgs of sandalwood // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Report of elephant crop raid // Lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

12 May 2024
Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents

11 May 2024
Follow up to one of the farms that was stopped the day before, and more clearing was being done, more to follow // Report of a zebra crop raid in the night // Hyena killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

10 May 2024
Big Life intel and joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of giraffe meat weighing 17kgs and 2kgs of dik-dik meat, 2 motorbikes recovered // Big Life intel and joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 5kgs of miraa // Report of hyena that went into boma and attacked a woman who was trying to prevent it from killing goats, Rangers responded and confirmed the incident including injuries to hand, domestic dog also injured, woman taken to private hospital and discharged // Joint operation to search hideouts led to 5 subjects that escaped, recovered 7 sacks of sandalwood // Joint operation to follow up on 4 locations with land use violations, 8 arrests made, more to follow // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

9 May 2024
Joint operation follow up to farm development, 8 people found in farm where activity was previously stopped, operation ongoing, more to follow // Rangers located 2 different active hideout places suspected to be from sandalwood harvesters // Report of elephant crop raid // Rangers pushed elephant away from 2 separate active crop raids // Hyena killed 1 goat

8 May 2024
Rangers followed up on lion report from the previous day, lion had been breaking into bomas at night and had killed livestock, joint operation to dart and collar // Rangers located and stopped a tractor due to lack of relevant documents // Rangers responded to the report of a fresh giraffe carcass, rangers confirmed it was poached for bushmeat // Report of elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

7 May 2024
Rangers responded to the report of a lion near community water source and pushed them away from settlements // Rangers pushed away elephant from farm // Lion killed 1 goat 6 May 2024
Tracker dog unit responded to the report of a lost child and searched the area but were unsuccessful // Rangers confirmed the report of a crop raiding incident, authorities informed // Lion killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 goat

4 May 2024
Rangers recovered 3 medium snares targeting large mammals set by unknown subjects // Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Lion killed 1 goat, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 3 May 2024
Hyena killed 3 goats, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 2 May 2024
Rangers located a new farm being developed, later a joint operation led to enforcement action to stop illegal activites // Rangers responded to the report of elephant that were crop raiding, they pushed elephant away from the area // Lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

1 May 2024
Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 4 goats in 3 incidents

30 April 2024

Report of elephant that exited farms through a gate and uprooted 1 fence post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat 29 April 2024
Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

28 April 2024
Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow 27 April 2024
Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow calf in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat

26 April 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects for illegal water obstruction in 2 incidents // Hyena killed 12 goats in 6 incidents, lion killed 1 goat 25 April 2024
Rangers pushed elephant away from human settlements // Rangers confirmed the report of a hippo carcass after reports that it was charging people // Rangers confirmed the report of a lion that was killed while attacking a cow, authorities informed // Hyena killed 1 goat 24 April 2024
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence, pushed them toward national park // Rangers located tracks of hippo and tracked them til they lost visibility, more to follow // Hyena injured 2 cow calves

23 April 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspects with 9 sacks of sandalwood weighing approximately 285kgs // Rangers searched for the hippo reported in the previous days, did not spot them // Rangers pushed elephant away from human settlement in 2 incidents, Lion killed 12 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents

22 April 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of a suspect with sandalwood weighing approximately 70kgs // Leopard killed 2 goats

21 April 2024
Rangers located hippo resting under a tree by water source, they moved out of the area, are suspected to be the same from recent reports, more to follow // Joint operation to locate and treat elephant that was previously treated // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 goats

20 April 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant that entered a boma, investigated and found no damage was caused // Rangers responded to the report of elephant in settlements and pushed them away // Rangers followed up from the report of hippo tracks by community water, they tracked the tracks and they headed back to national park, no damage caused // Lion killed 1 goat, Hyena killed 1 goat

19 April 2024
Rangers responded to the report of community members injured by a buffalo, taken to hospital for treatment, searched for buffalo but unable to locate it // Report received about hippo tracks near a community water source, more to follow // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence in 2 incidents // Hyena killed 2 goats

18 April 2024
Rangers followed up on a land violation incident and stopped them for lack of relevant documents // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

17 April 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant close to settlements, responded and pushed them to conservancy // Lion killed 7 goats and 1 cow calf in 5 incidents

16 April 2024
Rangers located a farm drilling a borehole without relevant documents, authorities informed // Rangers responded to the report of 2 missing cows, suspected stolen, tracker dogs tracked the 2 cows but tracks disappeared into other livestock tracks, rangers later searched and found suspects and recovered the cows who were returned safely to their owner, matter resolved by elders and chief

15 April 2024
Hyena killed 1 goat

14 April 2024
Hyena killed 8 goats in 6 incidents, leopard killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

13 April 2024
Rangers located a fenced farm with borehole drilling ongoing, not able to access due to locked gate, no relevant documents produced, chief responded, other authorities informed, more to follow // Rangers responded to the report of a wildebeest that fell into a deep man made furrow, vet responded, darted, and pulled to safety, released at conservancy // Rangers pushed away elephant that were blocking a community road, no damage caused // Hyena killed 8 goats in 5 incidents

12 April 2024
Rangers responded to the report of an adult elephant carcass, tusks intact, cause of death unknown, suspected natural, tusks retrieved, Vet took samples // Rangers followed up on a number of farms doing work without proper documentation and stopped their activities, more to follow // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat

11 April 2024
Rangers prevented lion from entering settlement at night, no damage caused // Rangers located 3 farms with activities ongoing, authorities informed, more to follow // Hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents

10 April 2024

Lion killed 1 cow

9 April 2024
Joint investigation led to the arrest of 3 suspects with 5 pieces of elephant tusk weighing 13kg // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat

8 April 2024
Report received about an elephant that charged community members, no one was injured and the elephant moved away on its own // Lion killed 1 goat, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat 7 April 2024
Rangers received a broken piece of elephant tusk found by community member // Hyena killed 7 goats and 1 cow calf in 6 incidents, caracal killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

6 April 2024
Rangers reported the fresh carcass of a zebra with a spear wound, rangers backtracked and located where it was speared within settlements, area chief informed, more to follow // Rangers responded to the report of a cow killed by lion, community members were armed and attempted to retaliate, but lion escaped, rangers helped keep the calm // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 13 goats

5 April 2024
Rangers responded to report of elephant approaching crop protection fence and pushed it away // Hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 4 goats

4 April 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and pushed back to conservancy through gate // Cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat, hyena killed 4 goats and injured 1 in 4 incidents

3 April 2024
Rangers recovered 40kgs of poached bush meat // Hyena killed 7 goats in 3 incidents

2 April 2024

Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence through gate and exited, uprooted gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers stopped people who were fencing a farm due to lack of relevant documents // Rangers prevented elephant from raiding crops // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 goat

1 April 2024
Rangers responded to the report of a community member killed by an elephant// Rangers responded to a report in an adjacent area about a cow that was killed by lion, lion was killed by poisoning, more to follow // Joint response about lion that killed 2 cow, tension high, rangers and area chief calmed community members // Lion killed 1 cow and injured 1, hyena killed 1 goat

31 March 2024
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, damaged 1 short post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers followed up on a report from a partner about a collared lion with an injury on its head, cause of injury suspected to be from fight with another, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat

30 March 2024
Joint response to the report of 9 goats killed by lion, community tension high, rangers calmed them down // Lion killed 1 cow, Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

29 March 2024
Hyena killed 2 lost cow, leopard killed 2 goats

28 March 2024
Follow up to land violation, rangers found farm of 40 acres cleared, electric fencing was being installed as well as water tank, toilet structure, and borehole, 8 people stopped at the site due to lack of relevant documents // Follow up to another farm found a borehole drilled, store structure, fruits planted, sheep present, activity stopped due to lack of relevant documents // Rangers followed up on another farm, borehole drilled, fencing ongoing, camel and goats in the farm, people present in the farm ran away // Rangers followed up on another farm where borehole drilling had been stopped, no ongoing activity // Report of elephant that attempted to cross the crop protection fence, uprooted 2 gate posts, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 1 goat 27 March 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 6 pieces of ivory weighing approximately 24kg and 1 piece of hippo tooth // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited in the same place, uprooted 2 posts and several wires // Rangers confirmed the report of elephant that entered a boma last night and damaged crops and a fence // Rangers continued searching for the speared elephant from yesterday's report, but were unable to find it, more to follow // Cheetah killed 1 goat, and lion killed 1 cow and injured 1 in 2 incidents 26 March 2024
Rangers received and confirmed a report of elephant tracks with blood stains, but no elephant sighted, rangers backtracked and found location where the animal was speared, 1 suspect arrested, more to follow // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, gate post damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant that damaged a gate post while crossing the crop protection fence, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented lion from entering a boma // Hyena killed 1 goat

25 March 2024
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited, damaged gate post and wire, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow

24 March 2024
Rangers reported an estimated 1 week old carcass of an adult elephant, tusks intact and retrieved, cause of death unknown //  Joint operation led to the arrest of 4 suspects transporting charcoal // Report of elephant that attempted to cross the crop protection fence, damaged 1 gate post, fence attendant made repairs // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, damaged 1 short post and exited through a gate and uprooted 2 tall posts, fence attendants made repairs // Report received about elephant secreting pus from tusk, vet informed more to follow // Hyena killed 12 goats in 7 incidents

23 March 2024
Joint response to search for a 6 year old boy who got lost after looking after goats, body was later recovered, cause of death suspected starvation // Rangers responded to a report of a sick giraffe and located an approximately 3 day old carcass speared by unknown subjects // Follow up to development violations found ongoing activities at farm of 12 parcels ebing fenced and herding livestock, no workers located // Follow up to a ranch that cleared 25 acres out of 42 acres and a borehole was drilled, rangers stopped 1 person for lack of relevant documents // Follow up on a farm being prepared for planting, 1 borehole drilled, 2 people stopped for lack of relevant documents // Following development violation, rangers found a farm planting and stopped them for lack of relevant documents // Lion killed 1 cow

22 March 2024
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, damaged 2 tall posts, 1 wire, and uprooted a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to a report of elephant near settlements and pushed them away // Follow up to land clearing violations, 4 people found clearing vegetation, rangers stopped and warned them // Rangers located a farm that was being fenced by 6 people ,4 boreholes have been drilled, activities stopped until they produce relevant documents // Rangers located the injured elephant that was treated on 3/4, leg condition appeared ok // Report received about a cow that was injured by a lion and was suspected to have been speared, no blood in the tracks, search to resume tomorrow in daylight // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents

21 March 2024
Report of elephant that went on the inside of the crop protection fence and exited, damaged 1 post and wire, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence damaging 2 tall gate posts, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found 3 shovel tractors with 6 people clearing the same land that had been previously stopped, authorities informed // Rangers responded to the report of an adult giraffe with an injury on its front leg, they searched but were unable to locate the animal // Hyena killed 9 goats in 6 incidents

20 March 2024
Rangers responded to the report of a shovel tractor clearing a farm and stopped them for lack of relevant documents, authorities informed // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and damaged a total of 3 gate posts, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant that damaged a tank and 3 pipes, owner requested repair // Report of a giraffe injured by an elephant, more to follow // Rangers searched for and located the elephant treated on 3/4, appears to be recovering // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 cow calves and injured 1 in 1 incident 19 March 2024
Rangers located a farm being cleared for fencing and stopped them for lack of relevant documents // Rangers prevented 3 elephant from crossing the crop protection fence, no damage caused // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 18 March 2024
Joint intel/operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 8 elephant tusks cut into 24 pieces weighing 56kg on a motorbike // Rangers arrested 3 suspects for illegally mining for gold // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited on its own, uprooted 1 tall post, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant that attempted to cross the crop protection fence at 3 different points, uprooting several gate posts at 2 of the locations, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant that damaged 2 water pipes, community requested repairs // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence, Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow

17 March 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of kudu meat weighing 27kgs, recovered 1 panga, 2 knives, 1 machete // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, uprooted 2 long posts, rangers pushed them back over, 2 basal wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Report of an attempt of elephant to cross the crop protection fence through a gate, uprooted a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found 3 shovel tractors that had cleared close to 5 acres before they stopped them for lack of relevant documents, authorities informed // Hyena killed 1 goat

16 March 2024
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence in the night // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents

15 March 2024
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers found 2 pieces of broken pieces of elephant tusk at waterhole // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

14 March 2024
Joint response to the farm clearing reported the previous day led to the halt of the clearing, however another follow up to the same farm found the clearance stopped, but fencing was ongoing until the rangers stopped them // Rangers located the injured elephant that was treated on 3/4 and noted that the leg still appeared to be swollen, but able to move slowly without limping // Rangers responded to and confirmed the report of elephant that damaged water pipes, community requested repair // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 cow and injured 1 cow in 2 incidents //

13 March 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 4 suspects with 2 elephant tusks cut into pieces weighing 6.8kg // Rangers located a shovel tractor making roads with plan to clear 4 parcels of 47 acres each, more to follow // Rangers responded to the report of elephant approaching the crop protection fence, elephant drinking water close to the fence from broken leaking pipes, went away on its own, no damage caused // Lion killed 1 cow, leopard killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

12 March 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of a dead pangolin // Rangers located a farm being cleared and moved the workers out as they couldn't provide relevant documents, authorities informed, more to follow // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence in the night // Hyena killed 1 goat

11 March 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of 3 elephant tusks cut into small pieces weighing 39kgs // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, ripping a wire and uprooting a fence post, exited at the same point, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to the report of an elephant headed toward the crop protection fence, rangers pushed him away // Lion killed 1 cow

10 March 2024
Hyena killed 1 cow and 2 goats in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

9 March 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspects in possession of sandalwood weighing 400kgs // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, uprooted 1 tall post, exited on its own, damaging 2 small posts, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, uprooted 1 small post and cut 2 wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to a call about buffalo within community settlements and successfully pushed both away // Report of elephant that entered a boma and fed on grain in the night // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

8 March 2024
Joint operation to search and find elephant from the day before, vet responded, darted and treated 2 wounds suspected to be from a fight with another elephant, later collared // Report of elephant that went on the inside of the crop protection fence and exited on their own // Hyena killed 4 goats and injured 1 in 3 incidents

7 March 2024
Information received from partners about an elephant with an injury on the trunk, vet informed // Information received from partners about a 1 month old carcass of a sub-adult elephant, tusks intact, bones scattered, cause of death unknown, tusks recovered // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Report of elephant that attempted to cross the crop protection fence, damaged 1 wire, fence attendants made repair // Hyena killed 3 cow and 1 donkey in 2 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

6 March 2024
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, uprooting the gate, rangers tracked the elephant but did not locate, tracks indicate going to national park, repairs made // Jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 6 goats and 1 donkey in 2 incidents

5 March 2024
Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, uprooted 2 tall posts and cut a wire, then exited on its own, rangers tracked the elephant but did not locate it, repairs made // Rangers prevented a crop raid and pushed them away from settlements // Hyena killed 1 goat

4 March 2024
Rangers confirmed a report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited on own, damaged 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Joint operation to locate the injured elephant, vet successfully darted and treated the elephant, 2 wounds on the left hind leg, one was superficial, one was suspected to be from a spear or man-made object, neither were infected, the large swelling on the front of the rear leg suspected to be result of internal damage to bone or joint, rangers informed to continue monitoring // Lion killed 2 cow and injured 1 cow, hyena killed 1 goat 3 March 2024
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and damaged 3 posts and 3 wires, photo taken for identification, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat

2 March 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence and pushed them back over and towards conservancy, damaged wires while exiting, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers located the injured elephant from 2/14 and reported the injury to be worsening, vet informed, more to follow // Lion killed 1 cow

1 March 2024
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence and exited in another location, rangers tracked it for photos, but the elephant had gone into thick bush // No depredation reports

29 February 2024

Report of elephant the crossed the crop protection fence and exited in the same area, damaged 1 post and wire, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers searched and located the injured elephant in a group with others // Hyena killed 1 goat 28 February 2024
Rangers responded to a report from community about a 10 acre farm that had been cleared and confirmed the clearing, but no equipment or people found, more to follow // Rangers responded to the report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and pushed them out, outriggers damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers searched and found the injured elephant from 2/14, the injured leg is swollen and condition appeared to be worsening, more to follow // Hyena killed 9 goats and 1 cow in 9 incidents 27 February 2024
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited the same point, damaged 3 outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat 26 February 2024
Rangers responded to 2 reports of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, wires damaged on both incidents, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers located a juvenile wildebeest abandoned, rangers located a nearby group of wildebeest and rejoined the juvenile with his suspected herd // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

25 February 2024

Rangers responded to call from partner about lion close to settlements, together with herders, they prevented livestock from heading in the direction of the lions // Rangers located a borehole driller with documents, rangers ordered them to stop until the authenticity of the document is established, more to follow

24 February 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant approaching the crop protection fence and confirmed no damaged caused // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed elephant to conservancy, no damage caused // Hyena killed 1 goat

23 February 2024
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, damaged gate post and 1 wire, fence attendants made repairs // Joint operation led to the successful collaring of lion // Hyena killed 2 goats, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 2 goats

22 February 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephants that crossed the crop protection fence and pushed them back over to conservancy, no damage caused // Rangers located the injured elephant from 2/14, rangers to continue to monitor // Hyena killed 1 goat

21 February 2024
Rangers responded to a community call about elephants that damaged a borehole pipe, community made repairs // Rangers responded to the report of an injured cow by a lion, rangers responded and assisted taking the cow back to its home, community calm // lion killed 2 goats, hyena killed 1 goat

20 February 2024
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, damaging 2 gate posts, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat

19 February 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, gate post damaged, elephant tracked for id photos but the elephant charged the rangers, no injuries // Rangers spotted the injured elephant in musth from 2/14, still in musth // Rangers responded to the report of a cow injured by a lion, they learned the herder saved the cow by scaring the lion without spearing it, more to follow

18 February 2024
Joint operation to follow up on illegal water diversion, rangers found additional generators and stopped the activity following a local directive // Hyena killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

17 February 2024
Rangers responded to the report of an elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, rangers attempted to push it back, but it headed into thick bush and it later exited on its own // Rangers located and rescued an adult wildebeest that was stuck in a muddy water puddle // Rangers reported that the tractor with 3 workers that was previously stopped, came back to clear the same farm, rangers escorted the workers to have a meeting with authorities, relevant documents are required // Rangers located the injured elephant in musth from 2/14, he is in conservancy and feeding well // Rangers also located the elephant treated on 2/9 and is looking good // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 donkey and injured a donkey in 4 incidents

16 February 2024
Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

15 February 2024
Rangers reported an elephant went inside the crop protection fence and exited on its own, damaging 2 gate posts and 1 wire // Rangers prevented a crop raid in the night // Follow up to development activities stopped by rangers on 2/2, rangers discovered holes had been dug for fencing to commence, rangers stopped the activity and moved workers off the land, rangers informed to keep monitoring // Joint operation to patrol the river to look for illegal water diversion, no generators have been reinstalled // Rangers stopped a bulldozer with 3 people clearing 3 acres of land due to lack of relevant documents

14 February 2024
Rangers found a male elephant with an injury on the left rear leg, vet informed, vet later reported that the elephant will not be treated today as he was in musth and therefore can't be darted, suspected wound from a fight with another elephant, rangers will continue to monitor him // Hyena killed 6 goats in 5 incidents, lion killed 5 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents 13 February 2024
Rangers reported that elephant damaged water pipes and a gate at community borehole // Rangers searched for and located the elephant treated on 2/9, condition reported ok, rangers will continue to monitor // lion killed 2 goats

12 February 2024
Follow up to the directive that generators were to be removed from along a river, additional generators were found and warned they were to be removed by Thursday, more to follow // Hyena killed 19 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 3 goats and 2 cow calves in 4 incidents

11 February 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of a suspect in possession of python skin // Rangers searched and found the elephant that was treated on 1/28 and is progressing towards recovery // Rangers searched for and located the elephant treated on 2/9, condition reported ok, rangers will continue to monitor // Joint response to lion killing a cow yesterday, rangers responded and tracked the lion, but did not locate it, tracks went towards conservancy, community situation ok // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow in 2 incidents

10 February 2024
Rangers responded to the report of 2 people were attacked by a hyena, the people were taken to local hospital for treatment // Rangers responded to the report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them to conservancy, 2 gate posts damaged // Rangers prevented lion from entering a boma // Lion killed 2 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents

9 February 2024
Rangers responded to the report of elephant crop raids, 2 gate posts damaged before exiting at an open gate // Rangers located the injured elephant from the day before, KWS vet responded, darted, and treated the wound on the neck, rangers requested to monitor its progress // Lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents

8 February 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with pangolin scales weighing 2.6kgs // Rangers responded to the report from lodge staff about an elephant with a growth on the neck, vet informed, rangers to monitor // Hyena killed 1 goat

7 February 2024
Rangers responded to the report of a buffalo that entered settlements and had charged people // Elephant crossed the crop protection fence and exited on their own, bending a gate post and wires, rangers tracked the elephants and took identification photos // Rangers responded to the report of a pride of lion that attempted to break into bomas, confirmed no damage caused // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of 2 pieces of python skins // Lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

6 February 2024
Rangers responded to a report from a partner that a lion was suspected to have been speared, they searched and located a lion in the same area, but could not get close enough to observe the injury as it ran into thick bush // Joint operation led to the arrest of 4 workers at farm that was previously ordered to stop work on the 3rd with the same equipment and lack of relevant documents required

5 February 2024
Joint operation following a directive order led to the recovery of 9 generators used for pumping water from a local river, where 5 temporary houses were also removed, area chief gave a verbal warning to the perpetrators // Rangers prevented a lion from entering a boma and pushed him away from the area // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 cow in 2 incidents

4 February 2024
Joint operation found water drilling machine drilling a borehole with 8 people in farm, rangers stopped the activity, made 1 arrest, and gave them instructions to produce local approvals, additional authorities informed // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect with a panga, spade, and kiln // Lion killed 1 goat and 1 cow in 2 incidents, Hyena killed 1 goat

3 February 2024
Dog unit responded to the report about stolen cows, together with the community they tracked the suspect and located the cows, but the suspect had abandoned the cows and fled, suspect's tracks were interfered with by other people's movements in the area // Joint operation stopped 3 people who were clearing a farm with a shovel tractor, additional authorities informed // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, damaged 2 wires and 2 outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat

2 February 2024
Rangers located a farm where a house was being constructed, after consulting with area coordinator, rangers warned them to no undertake any other development within the farm // Lion injured 1 cow, hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents

1 February 2024
Rangers confirmed elephants that went inside the crop protection fence and then exited on their own, basal wires damaged upon entry, fence attendants to make repairs // Lion killed 1 goat and 1 cow in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

31 January 2024
Joint operation led to the arrest of 8 suspects for development violations // Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 600kgs of sandalwood // Hyena killed 1 cow calf

30 January 2024
Joint operation prevented lions before entering settlements // Community member reported an adult buffalo that chased farmers, rangers searched and did not locate the buffalo, authorities informed, more to follow // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, leopard injured 1 goat

29 January 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects for cutting trees and burning charcoal // Joint response incident involving lion killing livestock, confirmed that 2 cows were killed, 1 was injured, and 1 missing. Community tension high but they were calmed down, more to follow // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

28 January 2024
Rangers located the elephant with a wound from the previous day, vet responded, darted, and treated the wound on the elephants scrotum, cause of injury suspected to be from a fight with another elephant // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 3 suspects with 2 elephant tusks cut into 8 pieces weighing 13kgs // Rangers received information that a community member was killed by an elephant while herding cattle, authorities to follow up // Hyena killed 7 goats and 1 donkey in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

27 January 2024
Rangers learned that the person who was knocked down by the buffalo the day before had to return to the hospital as his condition worsened and while undergoing treatment, passed away // Rangers received information that a buffalo was disturbing community near farms, they responded and did not locate the buffalo, no damage caused // Rangers located the injured elephant from the 25th, vet informed but unable to respond, is expected to return the next day with chopper, rangers noted pus secreting from the wound on the scrotum, more to follow // Rangers received information about a spotted hyena suspected to have rabies, was blocking paths at a lodge, rangers responded and searched for the hyena but did not find it

26 January 2024
Rangers responded to a call about a person knocked down by a buffalo while trying to chase it out of a farm, rangers confirmed the injuries and they were transported to the hospital for treatment // Rangers located a hide out used by unknown subjects // Hyena injured 1 cow, lion killed 1 goat

25 January 2024
Rangers responded to the report of an elephant with wound, vet informed, more to follow // Cheetah killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 goat

24 January 2024
Rangers responded to a call about a giraffe with an injured leg, they confirmed it was an adult giraffe they had previously seen with the same old injury // Lion killed 1 goat

23 January 2024
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence and pushed them to conservancy // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 donkey in 3 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

22 January 2024
Hyena killed 1 goat

21 January 2024
Report of elephant crossing the crop protection fence, several basal wires damaged // Lion killed 1 cow calf and 1 goat, and injured 1 goat in 2 incidents

20 January 2024
Hyena killed 6 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 1 cow, cheetah killed 1 goat

19 January 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of 121kgs of gazelle meat, 2 torches and 2 machetes recovered // Lion killed 1 goat, hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

18 January 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 3 suspects with 1 elephant tusk cut into 3 pieces weighing 35kg // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

17 January 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 2 elephant tusks cut into 4 pieces weighing 26kgs // Rangers located people intending to drill for water and stopped them for lack of relevant documents, authorities notified // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

16 January 2024
Rangers pushed lions away from settlements // Caracal killed 27 goats inside boma, leopard killed 5 goats and injured 1, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents

15 January 2024
Rangers pushed away elephant near settlements, patrol follow up from previous day with nothing relevant located

14 January 2024
Joint operation located suspects collecting sandalwood, teams destroyed the hide being used by suspects, ambushes being coordinated, more to follow // Rangers found machine and people intending to clear 20 acres, rangers stopped them for lack of relevant documents // Rangers pushed lions away from settlements // Hyena killed 2 goats and injured 1 goat in 2 incidents

13 January 2024
Joint operation let to the arrest of 2 suspects with six pieces of elephant tusk weighing 30kgs // Follow up to the poachers camp, items remain at camp but no suspects returned, more to follow // Rangers stopped a water driller at farm for lack of relevant documents, later sent documents, authorities informed // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents

12 January 2024
Intel led to the location of a poachers' camp, no suspects located, more to follow // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 2 goats and injured 1 cow in 2 incidents

11 January 2024
Rangers pushed away lions away from settlements // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow calf in 3 incidents, lion killed 16 goats and 1 donkey, caracal killed 2 goats,

10 January 2024
Lion killed 1 goat and hyena killed 1 goat

9 January 2024
Joint operation jointly drove out a large group of elephant near settlements // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

8 January 2024
Joint operation responded to a person injured by an elephant, more to follow // Rangers responded to and confirmed information from the community about 3 cow that were killed by lions // Lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

7 January 2024
Report of elephant that went on the inside of the crop protection fence, damaged 1 tall post and but 1 wire, exited on its own // Rangers responded to a call and pushed elephant away from human settlement // Lion killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 21 goats and 1 cow in 10 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

6 January 2024
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 7 broken pieces of elephant tusk weighing 7kgs // Big Life intel let to the arrest of 2 suspects illegally burning charcoal // Hyena killed 7 goats and 1 donkey in 6 incidents

5 January 2024
Rangers spotted a giraffe with old wounds on the front left and back right leg, cause of injury unknown // Leopard killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow calf, hyena killed 8 goats in 4 incidents, caracal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

4 January 2024
Rangers reported a new farm being cleared, they stopped them as they had no relevant documents, more to follow // Report of an adult giraffe with a snare around its neck, vet informed, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow, lion killed 1 goat

3 January 2024
Rangers arrested suspect with handsaw, posts, and a panga in national park // Hyena killed 1 donkey

2 January 2024
Rangers located a lost man and dropped him at a local town // Lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

1 January 2023
Lion killed 1 cow and cheetah killed 1 goat 31 December 2023
Rangers located a lost man and took him to the police station

30 December 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 3 suspects with 10 pieces of elephant tusk weighing 10kgs // Follow up - report of a shovel tractor with 7 people clearing bush from 1 parcel of land who was previously stopped on 12/5 due to lack of relevant documents, rangers stopped them and moved them out of the farm // Rangers prevented a lion from entering a boma and pushed it towards conservancy // Hyena killed 1 goat

29 December 2023
Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents

28 December 2023
Follow up from 12/27 - rangers searched and located a fresh lion carcass with a spear injury, vet responded to conduct necropsy, suspect identified and taken to the police station // Hyena killed 3 goats

27 December 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with leopard skins // Joint operation response to investigate and confirm that a herder speared a lion as it was attacking a goat, spear attached, vet informed and will respond the next day, rangers to continue to monitor // Dog unit responded to a report about suspects who stole 8 metallic fence posts, tracker dogs led them 2km where the posts were loaded in an unknown vehicle // Lion killed 1 goat

26 December 2023
Hyena killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

25 December 2023
Rangers located a lost man in the bush and transported him home // Rangers prevented elephant crop raid // Lion killed 1 goat 24 December 2023
Hyena killed 2 goats inside boma

11 November 2023
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence in 2 incidents // Hyena killed 1 goat, jackal killed 2 goats

10 November 2023

Rangers responded to a report of a weak elephant, they searched but were unable to locate it // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

9 November 2023
Rangers prevented elephant from raiding crops in 2 incidents // Hyena killed 10 goats in 10 incidents, cheetah killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

8 November 2023
Rangers recovered a bow, motorcycle, and bushmeat suspected to be zebra weighing 95kg // Hyena killed 10 goats in 6 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

7 November 2023
Report of a cow killed by lions, community agitated, partners and leaders successfully calmed down a group of approx. 20 who were tracking the lion // Report of elephant causing damage to crops and fencing, community tension is high // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Lion killed 3 cow and 1 goat in 3 incidents, hyena killed 2 cow and 4 goats in 5 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

6 November 2023
Rangers encountered an adult lion feeding on a zebra carcass, it chased 2 rangers near their outpost, all escaped unhurt // Lion killed 2 goats and 2 cow in 3 incidents, hyena killed 7 goats in 4 incidents

5 November 2023
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 10 goats in 6 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

4 November 2023
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 16 goats and 1 donkey in 7 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

3 November 2023
Rangers responded to information about stolen items, dog unit responded and tracked down suspects to a house, owner of the house was identified by the community, rangers handed case to area chief // Hyena killed 7 goats and injured 4 in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

2 November 2023
Big Life intel led to the recovery of 3kgs of pangolin scales, suspects fled, investigation ongoing // Hyena killed 6 goats in 4 incidents //

1 November 2023
Rangers reported that the elephant named Theodora had passed away, tusks recovered // Rangers spotted a suspected rabid leopard, later it was found dead and carcass was burned // Report of elephant that went inside hospital compound and damaged fence // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 3 goats, cheetah killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

31 October 2023
Report that the elephant name Theodora had been spotted in a her of elephants, however her body condition appeared to be weak, suspected old age, vet informed // Rangers pushed away elephant during crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 2 cow

30 October 2023
Rangers controlled an elephant during a crop raid // Hyena Killed 1 goat

29 October 2023
Rangers responded to the report of a fire, arrested 2 suspects, and successfully put the fire out // Rangers responded to the report of boreholes being drilled and stopped them for lack of relevant documents // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Lion killed 5 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

28 October 2023
Rangers found area being cleared with 5 people and 2 tractors, refused to stop activities, documentation taken and authorities informed // Rangers responded to a report of land clearing and stopped the clearing due to lack of relevant documents // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow

27 October 2023
Rangers pushed away elephant blocking path near settlements // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers prevented elephant from entering a school compound // Hyena killed 6 goats and 3 cow in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 and injured 1 cow

26 October 2023
Big Life Intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of 37kgs of sandalwood // Fence attendants made repairs to elephant-damaged steel gate // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat, jackal killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, hyena killed 1 cow calf and 1 goat in 2 incidents

25 October 2023
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers pushed away elephant from within community settlement // Lion killed 5 goats in 4 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

24 October 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of sandalwood weighing 84 kgs, motorbike recovered // Community members reported that they had lost their cow, rangers responded and assisted in finding them // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence in 3 separate incidents // Rangers responded to the report of an elephant inside community and located it at the borehole, rangers pushed him away from settlement // Jackal killed 1 goat

23 October 2023
Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them back to conservancy, damaged several wires and outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers pushed elephant away from human settlements // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 5 goats in 3 incidents

22 October 2023
Rangers responded to the report of elephant near settlements, and moved them away // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence in 2 incidents // Rangers discovered a drilling machine inside farm, authorities informed // Lion killed 6 goats and 1 donkey in 4 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats, hyena killed 5 goats in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

21 October 2023
Joint intel led to the arrest of a suspect in possession of an ostrich egg // Big Life staff encountered 2 suspects riding a motorbike transporting bush meat of unknown species, suspects fled leaving behind the meat and motorbike, rangers recovered both // Rangers pushed elephant back across the crop protection fence, no damage caused // Rangers responded to the call of an abandoned juvenile zebra, they rejoined it with a nearby herd with a suspected mother // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Follow up regarding development on 9 parcels of land from 9/2, workers have resumed clearing with no relevant documents, they declined to accept the stop work order, authorities have been informed, more to follow // Rangers located the decomposed carcass of a giraffe with a snare around the neck, rangers recovered the snare // Rangers pushed elephant away from settlements // Jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 5 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

20 October 2023
Report of elephant that entered and exited an open gate, damaging 2 gate posts, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant that entered a farm, damaged a fence, broke water pipes, and crop-raided, community is requesting help due to ongoing issues, partners informed // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence and pushed it to conservancy // Rangers moved away an elephant near settlements // Lion killed 3 goats, Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

19 October 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects with giraffe meat weighing 15kg // Joint operation collared 4 giraffe // Joint operation follow up regarding the report of 80 people armed with spears tracking the lions that killed 2 cow, teams successfully calmed them down, a meeting was held, grievances aired, Predator Compensation fund requested for the area // Rangers responded to a community report about nighttime poaching activity, they located a fresh giraffe carcass with an arrow injury on its stomach, investigation ongoing // Jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 1 cow calf

18 October 2023
Rangers responded to 4 incidents of elephant attempting to cross the crop protection fence, several gate posts damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Lions killed 6 goats and 1 cow in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, hyena killed 1 cow and 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

17 October 2023
Rangers reported that the elephant that was treated on 9/29 had succumbed to its injuries, tusks recovered // Rangers responded to a call from the community about an assault, rangers turned him into the police station // Joint operation to collar 3 giraffes // Report of warrior armed with spears tracked a lion that injured a cow 2 after the previous attempt, rangers confirmed that 6 armed with spears killed an adult lion // Rangers discovered a zebra carcass that had been shot with arrows by unknown subjects // Rangers prevented zebra before crop raiding // Jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 2 goats, cheetah killed 1 cow

16 October 2023
Joint operation to successfully collar 4 giraffes // Follow up from the retaliatory lion hunt attempt the day before, additional confirmation no lion was killed // Several reports of elephants breaking into private farms in the night // Rangers discovered illegally grazing cow in sanctuary, rangers moved them and held them until the owners paid the fines // Hyena killed 2 cow and 4 goats in 6 incidents, lion killed 1 cow, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

15 October 2023
Joint operation to put out the fire reported from the day before, burnt approximately 100 acres, fire successfully put out // Information received from community about a retaliatory hunt forming from the previous day, joint operation including chief and elders tracked the group and worked to have them withdraw from the retaliation hunt, area was searched and confirmed no lion killed // Rangers pushed away elephant from crop raid // Rangers successfully pushed away elephant from farms and into sanctuary // Jackal killed 1 goat, Hyena killed 4 goats

14 October 2023
Rangers prevented multiple instances of elephant crossing the crop protection fence, damages repaired by fence attendants// Rangers responded to an incident where lion killed 5 goats, rangers found community members armed with spears and managed to calm them down // Lion killed 1 cow and injured another in a boma, rangers responded and engaged with the community to prevent retaliation // Rangers responded to the report of a deceased adult giraffe and recovered a poisoned arrow from it // Report of a fire in the national park that started in the night, joint operation for the morning, more to come // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 cow and 1 goat in 2 incidents, hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

13 October 2023
Report of elephant that entered and exited the crop protection fence, 2 posts uprooted and 2 wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found a water driller on the farm that was stopped on 10/4, rangers were unable to get inside as the farm has an electrified fence, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 3 goats, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

12 October 2023
Big Life intel and joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of 7 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 22kgs // Rangers prevented elephants from entering primary school compound // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

11 October 2023
Rangers responded to community information and recovered a trap targeting large mammals // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

10 October 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, 1 wire damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Big Life intel and joint operation led to an ambush set for a known bushmeat poacher/dealer, and exchange ensued but the suspect got away, 22kg of bushmeat recovered // Rangers responded to a community call about a ostrich stuck in the river, rangers successfully rescued the adult female ostrich // Rangers responded to a call from the community about land being cleared, they discovered an excavator with 4 people claiming to be surveyors, they were instructed to stop the activity and leave the area // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Rangers pushed away elephants from inside compound // Hyena killed 1 cow and 5 goats in 5 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

9 October 2023
Rangers reported an adult collared lion with an injury in sanctuary, vet responded and treated the wound, suspected to have been punctured by a horn during a predation attempt, collar replaced, rangers to continue to monitor // Jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, hyena killed 3 cow in 2 incidents

8 October 2023
Rangers discovered youths selling suspected bushmeat from a dikdik and fled leaving the box and meat behind // Rangers reported a fire that broke out in national park, joint operation to successfully put out the fire, approx. 25 acres burned // Rangers prevented 2 separate crop raiding incidents //  Lion killed 1 cow, hyena killed 3 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

7 October 2023
Rangers confirmed elephant treated in July was found dead, tusks recovered // Hyena killed 5 goats in 5 incidents

6 October 2023
Rangers reported an elephant walking with difficulty, partners informed, vet responded and treated the elephant for 2 spear wounds on the back leg, confirmed this elephant had previously been treated for the wound, rangers asked to continue to monitor // Rangers reported elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited, causing damage to wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Joint operation to drive away elephant from national park fence // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, wild dog killed 1 goat

5 October 2023
Rangers responded to a call from the community about an elephant near settlements, rangers pushed elephant toward conservancy, no damage caused // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers deterred elephant from entering settlement // Hyena killed 6 goats in 5 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow

4 October 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 10 suspects in 3 different farms during a joint operation of land use enforcement // Big Life Intel also led to the arrest of 5 suspects in illegal possession of 770kgs of sandalwood // Report of elephant that went on the inside of the crop protection fence, exited on their own, several wires damaged, repairs ongoing // Rangers searched for a snared zebra proved unsuccessful, more to follow //Hyena killed 7 goats and 1 cow in 6 incidents, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

3 October 2023
Fence attendants reported that an elephant went inside the crop protection fence through an open gate, damaged a wire, repair made //Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 cow, elephant killed 1 goat

2 October 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 400kgs of sandalwood // Follow up, the elephant that was being monitored who was unable to stand, had died due to complications from wounds first reported in, tusks secured // Rangers prevented 2 incidents of elephant crossing the crop protection fences, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 2 cow and 1 goat in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

1 October 2023
Rangers reported the elephant that was treated on 9/22 was unable to stand, joint operation to assist the elephant in standing up was unsuccessful, no treatment done, vet requested ongoing monitoring // A community member reported a trapped hyena, rangers responded and found that the hyena was killed by unknown people// Rangers reported multiple cows injured by lions // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing a crop protection fence // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow, lion killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

30 September 2023
Rangers pushed away elephant that had crossed the crop protection fence back to conservancy // Rangers successfully removed a giraffe carcass from a waterhole // Rangers pushed elephants away from community settlements // Rangers pushed elephants away from crop protection fences and farms, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephants from crossing the crop protection fence // Lion killed 5 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 6 goats and 1 cow calf in 6 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

29 September 2023
Rangers responded to the report of an injured elephant, rangers responded and identified multiple spear wounds on its backside, vet responded and treated the elephant, rangers to continue monitoring its progress // Rangers responded to a report of a decomposed elephant carcass, retrieved intact tusks, cause of death suspected to be human-related // Rangers pushed elephants away from the crop protection fence // Rangers prevented elephants from entering a school and community areas // Rangers confirmed boma damaged by an elephant // Rangers recovered a broken piece of tusk // Hyena killed 2 cows in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat 

28 September 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of one suspect in possession of zebra meat, along with a bow, arrows, and a knife // Rangers laid an unsuccessful ambush targeting charcoal kilns, destroyed 34 bags of charcoal // Rangers found 7 people dividing land without legal documents and instructed them to leave until they produce relevant documents // Rangers engaged with farm owner over missing NEMA license // Rangers arrested cows illegally grazing in a sanctuary, some released after fine paid // Rangers found a deceased giraffe in a waterhole, retrieval scheduled // Rangers controlled an elephant during crop raid, tomatoes damaged // Cheetah killed 2 goats

27 September 2023
Fence attendants reported elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence and exited on their own, fence post uprooted, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers pushed elephants away from settlements and caused no damages // Fire broke out at a ranch, rangers successfully extinguished it // Rangers moved a hyena carcass away from settlements after it was killed by unknown persons // Rangers deterred elephants and hyenas from approaching community settlements //
Lion killed 1 cow and 32 goats in 3 incidents,  Hyena killed 1 goat, elephant killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

26 September 2023
Rangers responded to the report of an elephant carcass with tusks intact, tusks recovered, cause of death unknown // An elephant entered and exited the crop protection fence, causing wire damage, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers confirmed another elephant crop raiding, elephant exited toward sanctuary // Rangers were denied entry at a farm where charcoal kilns were active, partners informed // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence //  Rangers responded to the report of a fire, confirmed smoke in a community area originated from farms being cleared // Rangers pushed elephant back from the crop protection fence // Lion killed 1 cow, elephant killed 1 goat

25 September 2023
Joint operation to put out fire in national park was unsuccessful and operations will continue // Located abandoned lion cubs from a previously treated lioness, ongoing investigation // Prevented elephants from crossing a crop protection fence and controlled others during a crop raid // Lion killed 2 cow and 3 goat in 3 incidents, hyena killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat, and cheetah killed 1 goat

24 September 2023
Rangers responded to a community member report of a person injured by a hippopotamus, administered first aid, and took the individual to the hospital // Rangers responded to a fire in national park, unable to access the fire to put it out, aerial support requested, more to follow // Rangers pushed away elephant from settlements and fence attendants made repairs // Rangers confirmed cow injured by lions // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Lion killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 7 goats in 6 incidents

23 September 2023
Rangers repaired crop protection fences that were damaged by elephant and confirmed they later exited back to conservancies // Rangers discovered an adult giraffe carcass, cause of death unknown, suspected to be natural // Rangers safely escorted a lost young boy back to his parents // Rangers pushed away elephant that were blocking paths, no damage caused // Rangers responded to a report of a possibly rabid hyena within community settlement but it had moved away // Jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 cow, cheetah killed 1 goat

22 September 2023
Big life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 8kgs eland meat and 5 snares in national park // Rangers arrested another suspect for illegal irrigation // Fence attendants repaired damage to crop protection fence caused by elephants // Rangers responded to and located a worsening condition of an elephant, vet treated successfully // Rangers retrieved tusks from a decomposed elephant carcass, cause of death unknown // Rangers prevented elephants from crossing crop protection fences at multiple locations // Rangers discovered a giraffe carcass, suspected natural cause of death // Development observed on a previously halted farm, more to follow // Lion killed 2 cows, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

21 September 2023
Fence attendants reported elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed elephant back to the other side, 1 post damaged, fence attendant make repairs // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence in the night // Jackal killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, Hyena killed 7 goats in 5 incidents

20 September 2023
Rangers responded to a road accident and coordinated with local police for further action // Elephant crossed the crop protection fence, damaged a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Elephants were prevented from entering crop-protected areas and human settlements in several incidents // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow 

19 September 2023
Big Life intel led to the 3 suspected transformer vandals in possession of transformer oil // Ranger unit located adult giraffe with a spear wound found, moved out of human settlements, suspect arrested // Rangers were called to settlements to push away an adult elephant away from settlements, one caused minor damage to a boma // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Report that unknown predator had killed 1 goat and other goats got lost, rangers responded to confirm the depredation report, searched and found the 17 lambs and returned them home // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

18 September 2023
Rangers successfully pushed elephant away from crop protection fence, gate post and wires damaged // Community member reported a hyena suspected of suffering from rabies at a primary school, euthanized upon KWS response // Dog unit responded and followed tracks of an attempted thief near a boma, suspect identified and arrest planned // Prevented an elephant from crossing a borehole fence// Addressed land development issue, awaiting stop order // Jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat 

17 September 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 3 groups of suspects: one with elephant ivory and two with bushmeat; motorcycles also recovered // A large fire broke out in national park and rangers responded // Rangers deterred lion pride from entering a boma // Elephants pushed away from within community settlements, no damage caused // Rangers prevented a pride of lions from predating on cows // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 3 goats in one incident 

16 September 2023
Rangers discovered and recovered 2 freshly laid medium snares // Rangers successfully pushed away elephant out of school compound // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 4 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

15 September 2023
Rangers prevented elephants from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers tracked and found elephant that had crossed the crop protection fence and ensured they exited // Hyena killed 7 goats in 5 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat 

14 September 2023
Rangers found the lost herder from previous day with 2 cows he had stolen, suspect was taken to Police Station, warned, and released // Rangers and partners intervened with 20 individuals armed with spears tracking lions who killed livestock; agreement reached to translocate the lions // Joint operation put out a fire in a national park // Rangers confirmed lions killed 2 goats outside a boma // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing a crop protection fence, pushed them towards national park // Lion killed 1 goat, hyena killed 7 goats in 4 incidents // leopard killed 1 goat

13 September 2023
Rangers reported elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, exited on their own toward sanctuary, damaged outriggers and wires // Rangers and community members jointly searched for a missing person, more to follow // Lion killed 1 goat and 7 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 6 goats in 4 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

12 September 2023
Joint operation successfully put out a fire from the previous day // Rangers responded to a report of lion that entered primary school at night, lion tracks led away from the school // Rangers halted land clearing without relevant documents // Rangers found a giraffe with a fresh cut on its leg suspected to be human-caused // Rangers prevented 3 separate elephant crop raids // Cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 3 goats, 1 cow, and 1 donkey in 3 incidents, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 

11 September 2023
Rangers located the injured lion, vet responded and treated for spear wound; rangers to continue monitoring // Fire broke out in national park, operations to resume // Report of elephant that damaged crop protection fence, later exited; fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to the land clearing from previous day and halted activity pending documentation // Jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 2 goats

10 September 2023
Rangers provided medical attention to a youth injured by a cheetah and safely returned him home // Rangers discovered ongoing unauthorized land clearing, more to follow //Rangers monitored an injured lion, vet response pending // Community member collected a broken elephant tusk, to be delivered to BLF // Rangers deterred 3 elephants from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 6 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 

9 September 2023
Rangers reported an adult lion with a spear injury, vet unable to respond, more to follow // Rangers pushed an elephant away from a settlement towards national park, no damage caused // Rangers pushed away from settlements, no damage caused // Prevented 4 elephants from crop raiding // Lions killed 1 cow calf , hyenas killed 4 goats and 1 lost calf in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

8 September 2023
Rangers held a meeting with herders regarding livestock in a disallowed area // 165 sacks of charcoal and suspects transported to police station// Rangers prevented 3 elephants from entering a primary school, no damage caused // Lions killed 5 goats in two incidents, hyena killed 2 goats

7 September 2023
Rangers arrested 8 suspects that had 165 bags and 7 kilns of charcoal // Rangers pushed away elephants that were actively crop raiding // Hyena killed 6 goats in 6 incidents, cheetah killed 3 goats in 2 incidents 

6 September 2023
Rangers found a male giraffe with a medium snare on his neck, vet responded, darted, and removed the snare, Rangers confirmed that lion killed a cow inside a boma, community reported calm // Rangers responded to the report of an injured giraffe, searched but unable to find, more to follow // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow,  jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat  

5 September 2023
Rangers responded to the report of a farm that was crop raided, rangers confirmed bent gate and tall post, rangers took photos for identification, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers pushed away elephant from human settlements // rangers prevented elephant from entering a school fenced area // Hyena killed 2 goats, jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat 

4 September 2023
Rangers responded to the report of a cheetah near human settlements, and pushed it away into sanctuary // Hyena killed 5 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 cow calf 

3 September 2023
Rangers and partners searched a found the carcass of a sub adult female lion speared by injured herders // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers moved away elephant from community borehole // Rangers pushed away elephant from human settlements // Rangers recovered 5 medium snares from national park // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 3 cow calves and 5 goats in 5 incidents, lion killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat   

2 September 2023
Rangers discovered an adult giraffe with a spear hanging on its right side, vet responded, darted, and treated the giraffe, rangers to continue to monitor // Report of 2 herders attacked while attempting to scare lion away from livestock, rangers took one to the hospital for treatment, suspect that a lion was speared, more to follow // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers pushed away elephant form secondary school, damaged 2 of the school's posts // Rangers found 9 parcels of land being cleared and stopped them for lack of relevant documents // Leopard killed 1 goat 

1 September 2023
Rangers reported the carcass of an adult giraffe, cause of death unknown, scavengers fed on the carcass // Hyena killed 3 goats and injured 3 cow calves in 4 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 5 cow in 2 incidents 

31 August 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspects in possession of giraffe meat // Rangers moved away elephant during a crop raid // Lion killed 1 cow, hyena killed 4 goats in 3 incidents 

30 August 2023
Report of elephant that were near primary school, rangers responded and pushed them away // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats 

29 August 2023
Big Life intel led to the recovery of 15 medium snares in national park // Rangers responded to a report about elephant near community settlements and pushed them away // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents 

28 August 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 3 in possession of elephant tusk weighing 2kgs // Elephant crossed the crop protection fence destroying several wires, exited on their own, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers reported seeing an adult giraffe with an old cut wound on right rear leg as well as an adult zebra with a fresh cut injury on right thigh // Hyena killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

27 August 2023
Report from the community of a giraffe with an injury, rangers responded and confirmed a sub adult with an injury on the left leg, rangers to continue to monitor // Rangers prevented 3 seperate elephant crop raids //  jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 

26 August 2023
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, uprooted gate post, exited on their own, damaging 3 tall posts and 8 wires, fence attendants to make repairs // Report of elephant close to human settlements, rangers responded and pushed them away // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 goat 

25 August 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of 70kgs of eland meat // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them back into conservancy, 1 wire damaged // Report of a fresh giraffe carcass at primary school, rangers confirmed the fresh carcass with an old spear wound on the left armpit // Rangers responded to the report of a giraffe walking with difficulty, they confirmed an adult giraffe with an injury on its left rear leg, cause of injury unknown, rangers to continue to monitor // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, and exited on their own, uprooted a post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented 3 separate crop raids //Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 2 goats, lion killed 1 cow calf  

24 August 2023
Rangers arrested 3 suspects for burning charcoal // Rangers encountered a freshly slaughtered giraffe, suspects escaped using motorbikes, giraffe was cut on both legs with a machete // Report received from the community about a woman seriously injured by a hyena, 2 other people were injured while rescuing her, she was taken to hospital for treatment // Report of a woman attacked by a leopard as she tried to prevent it from killing a goat, community killed the leopard, she was taken to hospital for treatment // Rangers prevented 2 separate incidents of elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Report that elephant entered a primary school in the night and damaged a water tap // Rangers discovered a zebra with a medium snare on his rear right leg // Hyena killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 3 cow and injured 1 in the same incident 

23 August 2023
Rangers arrested 1 person illegally cutting down live trees for charcoal burning // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Rangers reported elephant within community settlements, successfully moved them away // Rangers found the fresh carcass of a spotted hyena, no physical injury observed, cause of death suspected natural // Hyena killed 1 goat 

22 August 2023
Report from partner about a child knocked down by an elephant, the child was taken to hospital and the elephant headed back into the park, rangers responded for a follow up and confirmed a 14 year old herder was injured on his hand as the elephant charged him, community calm // Rangers joined vet partners for a follow up treatment on an elephant for an old wound that had been previously treated as he began limping again, rangers to continue monitoring // Rangers responded to a community call about elephant within community settlements and successfully pushed them away // Rangers prevented an elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents  

21 August 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects transporting 23 pieces of elephant ivory weighing 79.6kgs // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of 8 pieces of elephant ivory weighing 54kgs // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers responded and successfully pushed it back to conservancy, 2 wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephants from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers responded to the report of elephant near settlements and confirmed an elephant went inside a boma, they were able to successfully move it away // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow 

20 August 2023
Joint response for a fire that broke out in national park, fire was successfully put out, cause of fire unknown // Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult giraffe that had a fresh panga cut on the back left leg // Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult giraffe that was killed and meat taken // Lion killed 1 cow, Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 donkey in 2 incident

19 August 2023
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, exited on their own and uprooted fence post // Report that a community borehole, a non-electric private fence, and water drum of a church were damaged by elephant // Lion killed 2 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, hyena killed 10 goats and 1 cow in 4 incidents 

18 August 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects for illegal possession of sandalwood weighing 10kgs // Rangers responded to the report of a farm being fenced and confirmed 5 people constructing housing and fencing acres in a private farm, relevant documents were not produced and activity was halted // Rangers prevented 2 separate crop raids // Rangers located cows illegally grazing, rangers moved and help them awaiting the owner who came and paid the fine before being released // Rangers pushed an elephant away during crop raid // Hyena killed 11 goats and 2 cow in 6 incidents, lion killed 1 goat 

17 August 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and uprooted a gate post, exited on its own, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant chasing people, rangers responded and found an adult elephant that appeared emaciated, weak, and aggressive near settlements, partners and vet informed about the elephants condition, no damage caused // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Follow up from Aug 4, the woman who was injured by an elephant passed away while undergoing treatment // Hyena killed 6 goats and 1 donkey in 7 incidents 

16 August 2023
Rangers arrested 7 suspects for illegally burning charcoal along river, recovered 5 bags of charcoal, 1 axe, 1 panga, and 3 jembes // Rangers pushed elephant from behind the crop protection fence to conservancy side, a few outriggers were bent, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to the report of elephant near human settlements, rangers unable to push them due to livestock movement, but they headed into thick bush // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat 

15 August 2023
Rangers responded to an elephant crop raid and jointly managed to push it away to conservancy // Report of elephant went to a community borehole, tracks led away to conservancy, no damage caused // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Lion killed 1 cow, elephant killed 1 goat  

14 August 2023
Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult giraffe with a spear attached to lower belly, rangers backtracked to locate the place of attack, however tracks in the area were interfered by livestock and other giraffe tracks // Report of a hyena suspected to have rabies inside community settlements, rangers responded and confirmed the hyena had been killed by community // Report of agitated elephant chasing people, partners informed, more to follow // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Rangers responded to a call from the community about elephant near settlements, rangers responded and pushed them away // Hyena killed 1 goat 

13 August 2023
Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, damaged several wires, fence attendants made repairs // Report received from community member that elephant damaged a borehole in the night // Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding 

12 August 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed him to conservancy // Rangers found 2 fresh giraffe carcasses that had been butchered by unknown suspects, dog unit responded to jointly track the suspects, motorbikes had been used to carry away the meat towards the border, monitoring to continue // Rangers responded to the report of charcoal burning and found 7 kiln owners of the plots clearing their farm for charcoal burning, documents needed to be confirmed, more to follow // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents 

11 August 2023
Rangers found a charcoal burner camp and 3 charcoal kilns being prepared, more to follow // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited on its own damaging several wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers recovered 2 freshly laid snares // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Rangers responded to the report of an elephant near human settlement and successfully pushed it away // Hyena killed 10 goats in 8 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 

10 August 2023
Report of a retaliation attempt of lion that killed a cow and injured another in a boma, rangers and partners responded and found 4 people with spears who were tracking the lions and were successfully calmed down // Rangers responded to the report and located an elephant carcass, both tusks intact and recovered, elephant had an old spear injury // Rangers responded to the report of 6 people with spears tracking lions that had killed 4 goats, rangers were able to successfully calm them down // 2 separate reports of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own // Report of an elephant near human settlement, rangers responded but were unsuccessful in locating it // Rangers recovered 2 large snare sets in national park// Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 7 cows in 4 incidents 

9 August 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspect in possession of sandalwood weighing 30kgs, Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them back to conservancy through gate, no damaged caused // Rangers found the fresh carcass of a sub-adult giraffe, cause of death was due to falling in a deep natural trench // Rangers prevented 2 separate crop raids // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 cows in 2 incidents

8 August 2023
Rangers responded to the report of an elephant carcass estimated to be days old, no physical injuries present, ivory was recovered // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence and crossed back on its own, damaging wires and uprooting 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers located the fresh carcass of a giraffe entangled by a snare around the neck, snare was recovered // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 6 cows in 2 incidents 

7 August 2023
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them back to conservancy through open gate // Rangers confirmed the report of an elephant that entered a boma in the night, damaging a fence and planted trees // Hyena killed 7 goats in 7 incidents 

6 August 2023
Follow up to the elephant incident: several meetings were held including a community meeting, the flare up of tension that spilled over to the elephants was related to cattle being detained after being found illegally grazing in the national park, several more meetings are scheduled to collaborate on lasting solutions, community and situation calmed // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence and exited on its own damaging 1 gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Lion killed 2 cows, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, elephant killed 1 goat 

5 August 2023
Follow up to yesterday’s elephant incident: despite KWS intervention, due to another issue regarding illegal cattle grazing, community continued rampage. 3 elephants in total were killed, all ivory recovered, more to follow // Report of a private fence damaged by elephant // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

4 August 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of 2 pieces of ivory weighing approx. 10kgs // Report from the community about an elephant encounter with people that led to 1 serious injury and 1 death, more to follow // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed it to conservancy, 1 post and wire damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 illegally burning charcoal, 15 bags of charcoal recovered // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 

3 August 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, with partners they attempted to push them to conservancy, but were unsuccessful, elephants exited on their own damaging 2 short posts // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Follow up to the community protesting the river drying up due to water diversion for farming, 1 suspect was arrested for farming and illegal diversion of water without licenses // Report that elephant went on the inside of the crop protection fence, exited through a gate, damaged several short posts and uprooted a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 4 cows 

2 August 2023
Joint operation conducted to identify illegal farming activities ongoing without NEMA approval, 5 arrests made and stop orders issued to 3 farms // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and later crossed back on its own // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents 

1 August 2023
Rangers searched and located the injured elephant, vet responded and successfully treated the elephant for a spear wound on the back, rangers requested to continue to monitor the elephants progress // Rangers pushed away elephant before they crossed the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 1 cow, lion killed 1 cow, cheetah killed 1 cow 

31 July 2023
Rangers relocated the elephant with spear injury, vet informed, more to follow // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence through a gate, no damaged caused // Rangers prevented lions from entering settlements and pushed them away // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow 

30 July 2023
Rangers located an adult elephant with a fresh spear wound on her tail area near the area where the person had been injured, vet informed, more to follow // Report of elephant near human settlements, rangers pushed them away // Report that elephant had damaged local community borehole // Rangers responded to a large number of crop raiding elephants and successfully pushed them away // Hyena killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat 

29 July 2023
Follow up from previous day about the injured person, community tensions rose and were aiming to retaliate, BLF rangers along with police and KWS held a meeting to address the issues, more to follow // Report of elephant that broke into a homestead through a thorny fence, no damage caused // Rangers prevented lions from entering a boma in the night // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow 

28 July 2023
Received information from the community about a person that was knocked down by an elephant and seriously injured while trying to push away elephant from his tomato farm, BLF took him to hospital for treatment, more to follow // Report of giraffe that entered a non-electric private fenced area, rangers responded and successfully moved the animals out, no damage caused // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited on its own through a gate no damage caused // Rangers located elephant within settlements and moved them away // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat 

27 July 2023
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, damaging several outriggers and wires, rangers pushed it to conservancy side // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Information from community received about livestock in a temporary boma in a disallowed area, rangers responded and moved cows to another location // Rangers prevented another elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 17 goats 

26 July 2023
Rangers reported the male elephant who was treated on July 10 for a spear injury on the back right leg is walking with difficulty, vet informed, rangers will continue to monitor // Rangers found a juvenile giraffe that got stuck in a river, rangers responded and successfully rescued him and joined him with his mother // Lion killed 1 goat, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, elephant killed 1 goat 

25 July 2023
Report of elephant going in and out of the crop protection fence destroying several wires // Rangers prevented elephants from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers prevented an adult lion from entering boma // Hyena killed 6 goats and 1 cow in 7 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

24 July 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them out, one elephant was aggressive and charged at BLF vehicle, some of the fence was damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Report of adult giraffe entangled by a non-electric private fence, rangers responded and rescued him from the fence // Report of elephant going within settlement and damaged a fence // Rangers controlled elephants during crop raid // Lion killed 1 goat and 1 donkey in 2 incidents, hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents 

23 July 2023
Information received on patrol led to the arrest of a suspect for bushmeat poaching // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers confirmed the report about a damaged water pipe by elephant // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Lion killed 1 cow, hyena killed 6 goats in 3 incidents 

22 July 2023
Rangers responded to the report of elephant near human settlements, pushed them away, no damage caused // Report of an elephant crop raid // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

21 July 2023
Report of 2 people that were charged by an elephant, one sustained an injury and later was taken to the hospital by rangers // Aerial patrol sighted a farm with activity, rangers responded and confirmed 10 people with tractor cultivating the farm they had leased, rangers stopped them for lack of NEMA approval // Report of a 300 acre farm being fenced, rangers asked them to stop, they declined, more to follow // Report of lion that broke into a boma and chased out 3 cow, rangers responded and assisted the community to recover the cows, none were injured // Jackal killed 2 goats, hyena killed 4 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, elephant killed 1 goat, leopard killed 6 goats in 4 incidents 

20 July 2023
Information from community member led to the arrest of suspect who killed an antelope and buried the evidence // Rangers pushed away elephant away from settlements // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 1 cow, lion killed 1 cow, elephant killed 2 goats 

19 July 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of a suspect illegally logging in national park // Rangers found the carcass of a giraffe that was butchered an estimated 3-4 days ago, suspected to be the giraffe butchered by the suspect that had been arrested the previous weekend with giraffe meat // Rangers prevented lion twice from getting into settlements // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow in 2 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat 

18 July 2023
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence and exited through a closed gate, damaged a gate post and steel gate // Jackal killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat, hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, lion killed 13 goats and 5 cow calves in 7 incidents 

17 July 2023
Rangers responded to the report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, they pushed them to conservancy // Rangers prevented an elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 6 goats in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 1 cow calf 

16 July 2023
Rangers prevented an elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded to push them to conservancy and were partly successful, some elephant remained inside the fence and headed into thick bush // Rangers located the adult elephant with old shoulder injury, progress appears ok // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat 

15 July 2023
Rangers arrested suspect with 160kg of giraffe met, recovered 2 kadoos, 1 motorbike, 2 pangas, 1 knife, 2 torches, 2 bows, and a sack of bushmeat // Rangers continue to monitor the elephant with an old shoulder injury, confirmed the injury is not life threatening, monitoring to continue // Elephant crossed the crop protection fence in and out on their own, one remained inside, more to follow // Rangers responded to a report of a giraffe with fresh cuts and confirmed that an adult had fresh cuts on front and back legs that died from excessive bleeding, death was human caused // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 3 cow in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

14 July 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited at the same point // Rangers recovered 2 snares set by unknown suspects in national park // Report from a farmer that he was chased by an elephant // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Lion killed 5 cow and 1 cow calf in 2 incidents, hyena killed 2 calves and 4 goats in 5 incidents  

13 July 2023
Report of elephant that attempted to go through a gate, damaged the gate posts, fence attendants made repairs // Lion killed 1 goat and 2 cow, also injuring 2 cow in 2 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat 

12 July 2023
Report of a hyena suspected to be suffering from rabies, got into a boma and injured a cow. Owner attempted to scare it away from the boma and was injured on the stomach, taken to hospital for treatment, hyena was dispatched // During aerial patrol, 30 cows sighted in sanctuary, rangers responded and moved them until the owners arrived, they were fined, warned, and released // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence and exited on their own, damaging the fence, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat 

11 July 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of elephant tusks weighing 40kgs // Rangers arrested 1 suspect with 65kgs eland meat // Rangers received information of a limping elephant calf in national park, vet informed and confirmed that the elephant was born with the issue // Elephant crossed the crop protection fence and uprooted a gate while entering // Rangers found a farm with an excavator being cleared by people who claimed to own the parcel, were stopped for lack of relevant documents // Rangers confirmed elephant damage to a community water hole // Hyena killed 2 cow, lion killed 2 goats 

10 July 2023
Rangers found an adult elephant with injury on the back leg, vet responded and treated the elephant for 3 spear wounds on the back right leg, another spear wound near the mouth and right tusk, rangers to continue to monitor // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, uprooted a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 5 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 cow, cheetah killed 1 goat 

9 July 2023
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Rangers discovered the carcass of an adult giraffe with a snare on the neck, rangers retrieved the snare from the carcass and recovered an additional 2 large snares // Elephant went inside the crop protection fence, damaged a gate, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers pushed away elephant near human settlements // Hyena killed 1 goat 

8 July 2023
Report of elephant near settlements, rangers responded and pushed them away, no damage caused // Report of elephant chasing cows, rangers responded and pushed them away, no damage caused // Rangers reported an adult buffalo with an injury on the front leg, vet informed // Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Rangers located the adult elephant with old injury on right shoulder, another wound observed on right leg, vet informed // Previous report of elephant with fresh cut on its trunk is reported to be healing // Hyena killed 4 goats in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 2 goats, jackal killed 1 goat 

7 July 2023
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 1 donkey and 1 goat 

6 July 2023
Rangers discovered the butchered carcasses of a giraffe and kudu, suspects escaped leaving behind a knife and bags of bush meat, animals were caught by snare, KWS informed // Report from the community searching for lost cows that they found a cow that was killed by a snare and freed a cow caught by a snare, rangers searched the area and recovered 6 snares in total // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, damaged a fence, and headed toward sanctuary // Another report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, several outriggers and wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Report of a lion that entered 3 bomas and killed goats in the night // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat 

5 July 2023
Rangers reported that a buffalo charged them, one sustained minor injuries while fleeing // Rangers controlled elephant during a crop raid // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, damaged several wires and exited on their own // Report of elephant within community settlements, no damage caused // Follow up from previous day that people were continuing clearing a farm that they had stopped, rangers stopped them for lack of relevant documents // Report that an unknown number of cows and goats were attacked by a lion, rangers responded and successfully recovered 5 cow and 9 goats that had been lost after the attack // Rangers controlled 2 seperate crop raiding incidents // Lion killed 1 cow calf  

4 July 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, uprooted a fence post and gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers stopped people found illegally planting flowers at farm, instructed to leave the site and given warning until relevant documents are produced // Report of estimated 100 cow settled in an area not allowed, assisted in moving the cow out // Report of a zebra walking with difficulty at waterhole, cause of injury suspected lion attack with visible claw marks on neck // Hyena killed 3 goats, 1 donkey, and 1 cow in 5 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

3 July 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence that exited on their own // Another report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited in another location damaging outriggers and wires, fence attendants made repairs // Assisted in joint operation to drive wildlife out of a private fenced farm // Hyena killed 4 goats and 1 cow in 5 incidents

2 July 2023
Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, damaged basal wires // Rangers located the elephant with shoulder injury at waterhole // Rangers prevented lion from breaking into a boma // Hyena killed 2 cow and 1 goat in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

1 July 2023
Report of an elephant with an old injury on its shoulder at lodge waterhole, vet informed and rangers to continue to monitor // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, damaged 2 wires, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant inside a homestead, damaged thorny fence // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Hyena killed 2 cow calves

30 June 2023
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, exited on its own // Rangers found an excavator clearing a private farm, rangers stopped them until they produce relevant documents // Follow up from a previously stopped area with building materials and people digging a latrine, rangers stopped them and gave a stern warning until relevant documents produced // Rangers confirmed the report of a lion cub killed by dogs // Lion killed 1 cow, hyena killed 5 goats in 5 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat 

29 June 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of 4 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 73.5kg //  Lion killed 2 cow and 1 goat in 3 incidents, hyena killed 2 goats

28 June 2023
Rangers responded to the report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, uprooted one fence post // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, unable to locate the animals as they went into thick bush // Rangers responded to a report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and were able to push it out and away // Rangers recovered 1 freshly laid medium snare // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed cow 

27 June 2023
Report from partner about an elephant with an old wound below left eye // Rangers prevented 2 lions from attacking a boma // Rangers confirmed the report of an elephant entering a boma in the night, no damaged caused // Rangers found an excavator clearing a private farm and people building a house, rangers stopped them until they produce relevant documents // Report from partner on 2 old giraffe carcasses, rangers responded and confirmed 3 month old giraffe carcasses, cause of death confirmed human related, 1 old large snare recovered // Lion killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, leopard killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 1 goat

26 June 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 3 suspects in possession of 12 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 50kgs // Rangers responded to the report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, rangers took photos for ID // Report of elephant that attempted to cross the crop protection fence, was unsuccessful but did break a gate, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers controlled an elephant during a crop raid // Rangers prevented crop raids from 2 separate groups of elephant // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

25 June 2023
Report from the community about a suspect that stole phones and solar panels, Dog unit responded and tracked down the responsible suspect's boma, suspect identified, community to follow up // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, damaged several outriggers and basal wires, rangers took id photos, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers searched for the adult elephant with a cut on its trunk, search unsuccessful, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 12 goats in 3 incidents

24 June 2023
Report from lodge staff about an adult elephant with a large fresh cut on its trunk, cause of injury unknown, vet informed, more to follow // Report of elephant that went inside and exited the crop protection fence, no damaged caused // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed it back through a gate, one short post damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 4 incidents

23 June 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, 1 fence post broke, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult zebra with an arrow wound on its back leg // Report of an elephant crop raid in the night // Hyena killed 6 goats and 1 cow in 6 incidents

22 June 2023
Joint investigation led to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of 1 broken piece of elephant tusk weighing 1kg // Rangers reported an adult giraffe with spear on its left back leg, vet informed, rangers to continue monitoring, more to follow // Rangers discovered and stopped a far being cleared due to lack of relevant documents // Report of elephant crop raid in the night // Lion killed 3 cow and 2 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents 

21 June 2023
Rangers responded to a report from a community member that found a gun buried in the soil while digging a foundation for a house, rangers recovered a weapon and ammunition buried by unknown suspects // Lion killed 4 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

20 June 2023
Report from a community member about an unknown number of suspected poachers seeing carrying poaching apparatus, rangers responded and laid an unsuccessful ambush, 2 suspects narrowly escaped // Rangers confirmed the report of an adult lion with an injury to its hind leg, appears emaciated // Rangers stopped 9 people trying to install a solar panel to a borehole, they were arrested for bush clearing for greenhouse farming, drilling and construction operations without an EIA license // Report of an elephant crop raid in the night // Hyena killed 2 cow and 1 goat in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 donkeys

19 June 2023
Follow up search for the emaciated lion was unsuccessful due to livestock and human tracks // Rangers pushed away elephant during crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

18 June 2023
Rangers responded to a report of goats killed inside boma, joint operation confirmed 7 goats killed and 1 injured by hyena inside boma // Report of elephant entering lodge area and damaged 2 water tanks // Rangers searched for the emaciated lion from the day before but were unsuccessful, more to follow // Hyena killed 2 cows and lion killed 2 goats

17 June 2023
Follow up search for the speared lion and located the fresh carcass of an adult female collared lion // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them away, fence attendants made repairs // Report of an adult lion that entered a boma and injured a cow // Rangers responded to the report of an emaciated lion and confirmed its condition, suspected to be cause by starvation // Report of water pipes destroyed by elephant in the night // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 donkey in 3 incidents

16 June 2023
Joint investigation on a follow up report, managed to arrest 3 suspects with 12 cut pieces of elephant tusk weighing 23kg // Report of a herder that speared an adult lion while attacking a cow, rangers searched for injured lion but unsuccessful due to darkness and tracks entering thick bush, confirmed cow to have minor injuries, more to follow // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, exited at a different location, damaged several wires and outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 4 goats in 3 incidents

15 June 2023
Elephant went inside the crop protection fence, damaged 2 wires, rangers took ID images // Lion killed 1 donkey

14 June 2023
Rangers received a piece of broken elephant tusk from a conservation partner // Rangers prevented elephant from crossing the crop protection fence // Hyena killed 5 goats in 5 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow and injured another

13 June 2023
Report of elephant crossing the crop protection fence, several outriggers were damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers reported discovering a location where 2 elephants were fighting, they located a piece of tusk with fresh tissue, rangers located the elephant and took photos for ID // Report of elephant entering a training facility, damaged 2 posts of the fence and left // Hyena killed 4 goats in 4 incidents, lion injured 1 and killed 1 cow in 2 incidents

12 June 2023
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, exited in another location, damaged several wires and outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Community member found a piece of elephant tusk, rangers collected it // Hyena killed 5 goats in 4 incidents

11 June 2023
Rangers pushed away elephant that was charging at herders // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 goat

10 June 2023
Rangers responded to a report of elephant blocking paths near human settlements, rangers pushed them away // Rangers pushed away lions from human settlements // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

9 June 2023
Rangers prevented elephant from crossing fenced borehole, Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

8 June 2023
Rangers arrested 1 suspect with poaching apparatus on a motorbike, 1 suspect escaped // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, several basal wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Joint operation stopped illegal water pumping from Kimana river, 5 generators were confiscated // Rangers revisited the farm from the previous day, they continued to clear the land despite orders to stop until the relevant documents are produced, they were strictly warned again and left the site // Lion killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

7 June 2023
Report of community members demonstrating against the dried up river due to use of generators upstream for cultivation, more to follow // Rangers stopped 2 people clearing a farm for lack of relevant documents // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

6 June 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them to conservancy and took photos for ID // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 3 goats and 2 cow in 3 incidents

5 June 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 23 pieces of elephant tusks of assorted sizes // Rangers arrested 1 person transporting 2 bags of charcoal on motorbike // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid

4 June 2023
Adult male elephant carcass identified at Amboseli National Park, from previous spear wound that couldn’t be treated. Tusks removed by KWS // 2 lions released from monitoring following poisoning after showing improvement // 4 elephants controlled near settlement // 2 cows, 1 donkey and 4 shoats killed by hyena, lion 

3 June 2023
Adult lioness and cub darted and treated, healing well, prognosis for survival currently high // Elephants uproot earthing wire on crop protection fence, repair underway // Crop raid prevented on MGR // 1 cow killed by lion 

2 June 2023
Pride of 9 lions responsible for killing pregnant cow retaliated against with poison in Osewan area, 6 lions injured. 2 adult females and 2 cubs were darted and treated, one cub died but the rest are recovering. Investigation ongoing // 2 elephant damaged crop protection fence, basal wires repaired // 3 cows killed by lion, hyena

1 June 2023
3 suspects arrested in possession of elephant ivory // Treated giraffe being monitored, recovering well // 2 elephant crop raids prevented // 2 cows and 2 shoats killed by lion, hyena, jackal

31 May 2023
Injured elephant darted and treated with partners near Ol Donyo, poisoned arrowhead removed // Injured giraffe identified and treated on Rombo // Rangers helped push cheetah away from Sopa lodge // Ilegal farming activity stopped on Eselengei // 5 shoats and 1 cow killed by lion, hyena, cheetah

30 May 2023
Elephant carcass confirmed on Eselengei, tusks intact // 2 elephants damaged a private boma fence // Ranger helped move an elephant from a community walking path and stopped a farm from being cleared without documentation // Injured giraffe found // 12 shoats and 2 cows killed by hyena, lion, jackal and cheetah

29 May 2023
Joint operation conducted for an adult male elephant with injuries on his legs, successfully darted, treated, collared and released // Second elephant collared and treated in same area // Male elephant carcass identified on Mbirikani, tusks intact // 2 suspects arrested in possession of ivory // Injured giraffe being monitored for injuries in attempted poaching incident // 7 elephants damaged fencing // 10 shoats and 5 cows killed by lion and hyena

28 May 2023
Suspect arrested with ivory pieces and pangolin scales // Several elephant incursions to farmed areas // 11 shoats, 3 cows and 1 donkey killed by lion, hyena, jackal

27 May 2023
Elephant carcass confirmed on Makueni, tusks intact // Injured elephant being monitored near Satao Elerai // 1 elephant crop raid prevented // 8 shoats and 3 cows killed by hyena, lion, cheetah

26 May 2023
Injured elephant being monitored // Male lion carcass found in Enduimet, death suspected natural // Elephant damaged crop-protection fence, being repaired // Rangers controlled elephant crop raid // 1 cow, 3 shoats and 1 dog killed by lions

25 May 2023
5 elephants pushed away from farmed area // Adult male elephant reported with injury, ranger search ongoing // Accident involving ranger vehicle and 3 motorbike riders in Kimana, injuries treated at local hospital // 1 elephant crop raid prevented, another controlled // 2 shoats killed by hyena, jackal

24 May 2023
Speared lion found on Mbirikani, died during treatment; persons responsible identified // Multiple elephant crop raids controlled // 4 cows and 9 shoats killed by hyena, lion, cheetah

23 May 2023
Joint operation to track, treat, and translocate adult male lion involved in depredation and retaliation attempt // 1 piece of ivory surrendered to BLF // 1 shoat killed by lion

22 May 2023
In 2 instances, rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat and 1 cow in two instances

21 May 2023
An additional lion was captured in a cage and translocated to the same are the sub adult had been the day before // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Rangers pushed away elephant from inside the crop protection fence // Report of an elephant that went inside a boma in the night damaging a thorny fence

20 May 2023
Joint operation led to the capture and relocation of 1 sub adult male lion suspected to have been from the pride that had been disturbing human settlements // Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 8kg of bushmeat // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents

19 May 2023
Joint operation recovered 800kg of sandalwood, no arrests made // Information from partner was received about 2 lions that broke into a boma during the night and killed a cow calf and goat, rangers responded and confirmed the two were part of the pride that had recently caused issues, they appear weak and emaciated, suspected sick or starving // Report of 2 goats killed and 1 injured by lion inside boma // Cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow and 1 goat in 2 incidents

18 May 2023
A suspect was arrested with 2kg of dikdik meat, recovered 1 panga and 1 knife // Report of a herder that was injured by a hyena while trying to prevent his livestock from being attacked, was bit on both hands and transported to hospital for treatment // Hyena killed 5 goats, lion killed 1 goat

17 May 2023
Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence, basal wire and earthwire damaged, exited close to point of entry, fence attendants made repairs // Information received about a lion that broke into a boma and killed a goat, lion was pushed away, in the morning a joint operation led to attempt to dart and translocate but were unsuccessful as the lion ran away, more to follow // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Lion killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents

16 May 2023
Rangers reported the carcass of an adult impala, no physical injuries, cause of death unknown // Rangers responded and pushed away elephant near settlement // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

15 May 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of a suspect in possession of 4 pieces of old elephant tusk weighing approximately 10kg // Report of elephant that went on the inside of the crop protection fence, damaged several wires and outriggers, they exited on their own // Hyena killed 4 goats and 1 cow in 4 incidents, lion killed 2 goats in 1 incident

14 May 2023
Rangers responded to a report of an elephant carcass and confirmed the 1 week old carcass of an adult male elephant, tusks were intact and recovered, cause of death unknown, suspected natural // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, several wires damaged and uprooted a gate post, fence attendants made repairs, Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 cows

13 May 2023
Follow up from the lions that remained in the compound, the situation grew tense when a crowed formed and eventually broke through the compound, going on to spear all 6 lions, meetings are being held to discuss the situation (more detail on our website), in the evening another lion was reported killed after attempting to break into a boma, suspected to have been a lion from the group who escaped, more to follow // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, lion killed 11 goats in one incident

12 May 2023
Big Life intel let to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of 1 sack of charcoal and burning a charcoal kiln in the park // Received information from community member of lion disrupting settlements, rangers responded and confirmed sub adult lions had broken into a boma and killed an unconfirmed amount of goats, rangers attempted to push them away, but they broke into HQ, rangers pushed some out, some remained, more to follow // Information received from the community about a lion that was killed, rangers responded and confirmed a lion carcass that was killed while attacking a cow // Information received about a community member that was charged by an elephant, the person escaped with external injuries on the stomach and legs, taken to hospital, suspected injuries to be from falling onto logs // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents

11 May 2023
Rangers discovered and collected 1 bow, 1 arrow, and 1 catapult during a patrol // Lion killed 3 goats in 2 incidents

10 May 2023
Rangers reported people standing outside the farm reported from the day before, rangers instructed them not to enter or carry out any activity // Hyena killed 1 cow, lion killed 2 cows in 2 incidents

08 May 2023
Further interrogation from an arrest the day before, led to the arrest of one more suspect // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow, Lion killed 1 cow

07 May 2023
Big Life intel led to a joint operation that ended up with the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of an elephant tusk weighing 4.72kg // Big Life intel led to a joint operation that ended up arresting 2 suspects in possession of cut elephant tusks weighing 81.7kg // Report of elephant inside the crop protections fence and exited on its own, uprooted 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 cow calf

06 May 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited on its own, damaged outriggers and basal wires, fence attendants made repairs // Lion killed 1 cow

05 May 2023
Big Life intel and joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects transporting 4 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 18kg // Big Life intel led to the arrest of a suspect in possession of an elephant tusk weighing 34kg // Report of elephant that crossed back to conservancy through a closed gate, uprooted one gate post and destroyed several basal wires, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant inside a boma, rangers responded and pushed them away from settlements // Hyena killed 1 cow, lion killed 1 cow

04 May 2023
An aerial patrol spotted active charcoal kilns, organization informed // Rangers relocated the elephant from the days previous, still walking with difficulty // Rangers pushed away elephant from blocking paths near settlements // Rangers located giraffe inside a private fence, managed to get 1 out, 2 remained, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat

03 May 2023
Rangers found the carcass of an adult giraffe poached by 2 unknown suspects that escaped with meat using a motor bike during the night // Report of 2 old medium snares set // Report of elephant that entered a boma at night and damaged a thorny fence // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 cow and 1 goat in 2 incidents

02 May 2023
Rangers followed up on the injured elephant, confirmed the animal is still walking with difficulty and the leg is still swollen, rangers to continue monitoring, more to follow // Community reported a mentally ill lost man, rangers responded and took him back home // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, uprooted a fence post and bent outriggers // Report of lions near human settlements, rangers pushed them away // Lion killed 1 goat

01 May 2023
Rangers received information about an injured elephant, along with the vet, confirmed that there is a male elephant with a back leg that appears swollen, treatment unsuccessful due to an inaccessible area, vet thinks its swelling from an old fracture and not a fresh injury, rangers will monitor the elephant, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 donkey, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

30 April 2023
Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents

29 April 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 10kg miraa //Rangers prevented 2 incidents of elephants from crop-raiding // Leopard killed 1 cow, lion killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

28 April 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 3 suspects with 1 leopard skin, 1 python skin, 1 crocodile skin, 2 bags, and 1 unregistered motorcycle // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, several basal wires damaged, exited on their own, fence attendants made repairs // Another report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence but confirmed they didn't cross, they walked alongside before veering away // Hyena killed 1 goat

27 April 2023
Follow up to the inactive charcoal kiln, rangers disassembled it and warned the nearby community that charcoal burning and tree-cutting is illegal // Rangers pushed away elephant near homesteads // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 cow, cheetah killed 1 shoat

26 April 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, several wires damaged and one post uprooted, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, entered and exited at the same gate, uprooted a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Follow up from the charcoal kiln location, suspects have not been present, patrols continue, more to follow // Rangers pushed away elephant that were blocking the road // Lion killed 2 cow and 1 cow calf in 2 incidents

25 April 2023
Aerial patrol discovered an active charcoal kiln, rangers responded but were unable to reach the area due to flooding, more to follow // Joint operation led to finding firewood and a prepared inactive charcoal kiln, investigation to continue // Follow up from the elephant injury from 3/10, rangers reported a worsened condition as was unable to move and died shortly after // Follow up from the arrest of suspected rhino horn, confirmed to be a warthog tooth // Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

24 April 2023
Rangers received information about elephant near settlements, responded and pushed them away from the area, no damage caused // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, exited on their own // Another report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited on their own // Lion killed 1 goat and 1 cow in 2 incidents, elephant killed 1 goat

23 April 2023
Big Life intel helped in the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of 56kgs of dik dik and impala meat // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow

22 April 2023
Cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow calf

21 April 2023
Rangers located the elephant that was treated on 3/10, his condition appears to be worsening, vet informed // Hyena killed 1 cow, cheetah killed 1 goat

20 April 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect with a 13 ft long python skin // Rangers arrested one suspect with the carcass of an adult duiker // Report of 3 lost cows, hyenas killed 2 and injured 1 // Report from the community that elephant entered their camp and damaged the camp fence and posts, rangers moved the elephant away, repair underway // Hyena killed 20 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow and 1 goat

19 April 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 15kg of bushmeat from 6 Dikdik // Follow up from the treated elephant from 3/10, rangers observed the animal and reported that the injured leg appeared swollen and produced an unpleasant smell, rangers to continue to monitor // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

18 April 2023
Rangers located the carcass of an adult giraffe, cause of death unknown, suspected natural // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 6 goats and 3 cow in 2 incidents

17 April 2023
Hyena killed 5 goats in 2 incidents

16 April 2023
Joint investigation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with a suspected rhino horn weighing 100gms // Joint investigation led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of bushmeat weighing 36kgs // Report of an elephant that had been chasing people and livestock // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence that exited on their own, uprooted a gate post // Rangers reported an unknown suspect cutting down trees on private land, suspect ran away and rangers confiscated his powersaw, more to follow // Hyena killed 5 lost calves in 1 incident, lion killed 1 cow

15 April 2023
Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

14 April 2023
Report of an elephant blocking paths near human settlements, no damage caused // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

13 April 2023
Report of an elephant attempted to cross the crop protection fence unsuccessfully, uprooted one post, fence attendant made repairs // Hyena killed 3 cow calves and 1 goat in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 2 goats

12 April 2023
Community member reported an elephant with a suspected spear injury, rangers responded and located the elephant and confirmed a spear wound to the foot of the leg rear leg, vet responded then successfully darted and treated it // Report of a python within a homestead, rangers responded and translocated the python to national park // Jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow

11 April 2023
Rangers received a report about a juvenile giraffe that was hit by an unknown vehicle, they responded and confirmed an injury to the back leg, vet called and ultimately the animal was taken to orphanage // Hyena killed 4 goats in 1 incident, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 goat

10 April 2023
Report of elephant inside the ranger training school, exited on their own, damaged a water pipe and 2 posts // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, exited on their own, damaged a few outriggers // Rangers controlled 2 different groups of elephants that were crop raiding // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 1 cow

09 April 2023
Community reported an elephant carcass, rangers responded and confirmed a 4 day old carcass of an adult male elephant with 3 spear wounds on the back, tusks intact, cause of death confirmed human related, tusks were recovered // Community member collected a piece of broken tusk and will turn it over to HQ // Rangers responded to the report of elephant near human settlement and successfully pushed them away // Lion killed 1 goat and 2 cows in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

08 April 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them to conservancy, damaged wires and uprooted 2 posts, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers reported an adult zebra with an injury of the left back leg, vet informed, rangers to monitor, more to follow

07 April 2023
Rangers followed up from the previous day regarding the elephants inside the crop protection fence, rangers were able to push them to conservancy, 1 post and wire damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to the report of a buffalo stuck in mud, they were able to rescue her and move her away // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow n in 2 incidents, lion killed 4 cow in 1 incident

06 April 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 37 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 106.1kg on a motorbike, one suspect got away // Rangers reported the fresh carcass of an adult buffalo, cause of death unknown // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, 2 wires damaged, rangers unable to push them to conservancy due to community and livestock movements and areas inaccessible due to heavy rainfall in the area, more to follow // Rangers found the missing person that was reported missing on the 3rd

05 April 2023
Elephant crossed the crop protection fence and exited on their own, a wire was damaged and fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to the report of a buffalo that was stuck in a muddy area, rangers confirmed the animal was able to get out by itself and appears weak, rangers to continue to monitor // Rangers reported the fresh carcass of an adult buffalo, cause of death unknown, suspected natural

04 April 2023
Report of elephant that went on the inside of the crop protection fence and exited on their own, no damage caused // Elephant sighted within human settlements, joint operation responded and pushed the elephants away from settlements, rangers will continue to monitor // Rangers prevented elephant from crop-raiding // Rangers controlled elephant during crop-raid // Hyena killed 2 goats and cheetah killed 1 goat

03 April 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 2 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 26.2kg // Big Life intel led the arrest of 1 suspect with giraffe meat weighing 79kg // Rangers found the carcass of a sub adult buffalo, cause of death unknown // Rangers received information about a person who went missing from a visiting group of people, rangers informed, more to follow // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own headed to conservancy, damaged wires and outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Lions killed 4 cow calves in one incident

02 April 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, several wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers pushed elephants back into conservancy // Rangers reported the carcass of an adult giraffe, cause of death unknown // Hyena killed 1 cow calf, lion killed 1 cow

01 April 2023
Rangers reported the fresh carcass of an adult giraffe, no physical injuries, cause of death suspected natural // Rangers reported an estimated 3 day old carcass of an adult giraffe, cause of death unknown, unknown predators fed on the carcass // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 1 cow and 1 goat in 2 incidents

31 March 2023
Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence that exited on their own, damaged several wires and outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 10 goats and 1 cow calf in 5 incidents, lion killed 7 goats in 1 incident

30 March 2023
Rangers responded to and confirmed the report of an adult elephant carcass stuck in mud, tusks intact and recovered // Rangers reported the fresh carcass of an adult gazelle, cause of death confirmed to be human related due to a machete cut on forehead, rangers backtracked by unsuccessful due to rainfall from the night before // Community member reported 6 goats got lost, more to follow // While on patrol, rangers recovered 5 snares, a bow, and 4 poisoned arrows // Hyena killed 1 goat and jackal killed 1 goat

29 March 2023
Rangers found the carcass of an elephant calf, tusks had not grown, no physical injuries, cause of death suspected natural // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence that entered an open gate, exited on their own across the fence damaging several wires and outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited at a gate damaging wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers reported elephant inside the crop protection fence, damaged 2 tall posts, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 12 goats and 2 calves in 8 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

28 March 2023
Joint operation laid an ambush and arrested 1 suspect with eland meat weighing 70kg in national park, recovered 1 knife and 2 medium snares // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of 8kg eland meat, another suspect escaped // Hyena killed 2 cows, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

27 March 2023
Rangers found 3 old carcasses of adult elands entangled by snares in national park, 1 was butchered with all meat taken, recovered 1 arrow, 5 snares, 1 knife, 1 bow // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, confirmed to have exited on their own, outrigger and basal wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to an elephant on the inside of the fence and successfully pushed it to conservancy, no damage caused // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 cow calf

26 March 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 5kg of gazelle meat concealed in a bucket // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence that exited the same way, no damaged caused // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, some exited and a couple remained inside, rangers responded to push the elephants to conservancy, but were unsuccessful due to heavy rainfall and the elephant going into thick bush // Rangers responded to a crop raid, and pushed them into sanctuary //Report of 2 boys that got lost while looking after cows, they were later found, rangers then jointly searched for the lost cow and found 5 were killed by lion // Hyena killed 13 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

25 March 2023
Rangers located the treated elephant with her calf and another elephant, rangers to continue to monitor // Rangers located the other treated elephant and will continue to monitor // Rangers located an adult buffalo unable to stand, no physical injuries, weakness suspected drought // Cheetah killed 1 calf, lion killed 1 cow

24 March 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with zebra meat // Follow up from 3/22, the injured elephant was located and the vet successfully treated it // Follow up from 3/23, the injured elephant was located and successfully treated, cause of injury confirmed human related // Follow up from 3/23, the abandoned elephant calf was located, the vet observed and asked the rangers to continue to monitor for a few day to see if it will be abandoned again as the calf was with another elephant and health looked ok, estimated to be 3-4 years old // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid //Hyena killed 4 goats and 3 cow in 5 incidents

23 March 2023
Big Life Intel lead to an arrest of 1 suspect who had 27kg of eland meat // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, they uprooted 2 posts and cut 2 wires and then exited on their own, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to the report of an abandoned kudu that entered a boma, rangers responded and joined her to a suspected mother // Rangers responded to the report of elephant near settlements and blocking paths, rangers responded and moved them away, no damage caused // Rangers reported an adult elephant with a suspected spear wound on right rear leg, vet informed, treatment anticipated tomorrow // Rangers found an abandoned elephant calf, rangers to monitor, more to follow // Rangers prevented an elephant from entering a school // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 calf in 3 incidents, lion killed 3 cows and 1 goat in 2 incidents

22 March 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence the exited on their own, several wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers reported the carcass of an adult giraffe, cause of death suspected natural // Rangers relocated the elephant with the spear wounds from previous day, rangers to continue to monitor until vet can respond, more to follow // Report of smoke in national park, joint operation responded and put out the fire // Rangers jointly searched for report of lost cows, they located a total of 53 that were all okay and moved back home // Rangers responded to a report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and prevented them from crop raiding, but entered into thick bush, more to follow // Hyena killed 2 goats, 1 donkey, and 1 cow in 3 incidents, lion killed 2 cow in 2 incidents

21 March 2023
Rangers responded to the report of an adult elephant with spear wounds, they confirmed an adult elephant with 3 spear wounds, rangers confirmed that this was a previously treated animal, vet informed, rangers to continue monitoring him // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, damaged 2 posts and wires, fence attendants made repairs // Another report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited on their own, no damage caused // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

20 March 2023
Rangers responded to a report of 3 boys suspected to have drown in a river, together with community members, rangers pumped water out and recovered the bodies and transported to mortuary // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and left on its own, no damaged caused // Rangers prevented a crop raid and pushed elephant back to sanctuary // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, and 1 cow

19 March 2023
Rangers responded to the report of a community member being chased by an elephant that also killed a goat, they confirmed the incident and pushed the elephant away from settlements // Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult giraffe, cause of death unknown // Rangers recovered 2 pieces of broken ivory // Rangers prevented 2 seperate crop raiding incidents // Hyena killed 2 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 4 cow in 1 incident

18 March 2023
Rangers responded to the report of a person knocked down by an elephant, the person had physical injuries and suspected internal injuries, rangers administered first aid and transported him to the hospital // Rangers responded and confirmed that an elephant had entered a boma and caused damage // Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, damaged 1 short post and 2 wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found a farm with construction materials being cleared by unknown people who claimed ownership, rangers stopped them for lack of relevant documents // Rangers found an adult giraffe suspected to have been injured in a poaching attempt as it had a fresh cut on its leg // Rangers responded to the report of a zebra carcass and confirmed it had been speared, no meat taken // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Hyena killed 5 goats and 2 cow in 5 incidents, jackal killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, elephant killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

17 March 2023
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence and exited back to conservancy, damaged 1 wire, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant that entered a homestead, community members and rangers pushed them to conservancy, no damage caused // Rangers reported the carcass of an adult gazelle killed by a snare // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

16 March 2023
Big Life intel lead to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of kudu and dik-dik meat weighing 41kg // Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Hyena killed 7 cow and 6 goats in 4 incidents, lion killed 2 donkeys

15 March 2023
Rangers searched for the previously reported zebra with a snare, but were unable to find it // Rangers found a broken piece of ivory // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited through an open gate, damaged 2 wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers recovered freshly laid medium size snare // Report of elephant within community settlements, damaged hospital fence and planted trees, rangers pushed them away // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 cows in 1 incident

14 March 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them to conservancy, no damage caused // Another instance of elephant inside the crop protection fence that exited on their own, uprooting one gate in the process // Report of an adult zebra with a snare on the neck, more to follow // Rangers found the carcass of an adult zebra, cause of death unknown // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

13 March 2023
Rangers arrested 4 suspects in possession of 20kg of impala meat, recovered 2 machete and a knife // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them out, damaged gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, no damage caused // Cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow, elephant killed 1 cow and 1 goat in 2 incidents

12 March 2023
Rangers responded to a report of an elephant carcass, they confirmed the carcass of an adult female elephant suspected to have died in the night, both tusks intact, the elephant had an approximately 3 day old spear wound in the right rear leg, rangers attempted to backtrack and look for the location of the spearing, but were unsuccessful, tusks were recovered // Report of an adult buffalo that chased herders, all escaped unhurt, rangers responded and pushed the buffalo from settlements into sanctuary // Rangers received information about a herder who went missing while looking after goats, the goats were recovered and rangers jointly searched for the herder and found him ok, took him back to his family // Rangers laid an ambush following information about poaching, one suspect was intercepted on a motorbike carrying the carcass of a sub adult gazelle, suspect escaped leaving behind the motorbike and gazelle // Report received about an adult giraffe entangled by a private fence, rangers responded and rescued it from the fence // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, 2 wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

11 March 2023
Report of elephant that entered a private boma damaging a fence and broke a water tap // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed some back, some wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded and confirmed the report of a juvenile giraffe carcass, cause of death suspected to be drought related // Report that an elephant killed a donkey // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 4 goats and 2 cow in 5 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat, elephant killed 1 cow, lion killed 4 cows in 1 incident

10 March 2023
Rangers conducted a joint search to located the injured elephant with suspected spear injuries, vet responded and successfully treated the elephant for 3 spear wounds, rangers to continue to monitor his progress // Joint operation located the abandoned elephant calf from the day before, rejoined the calf with a herd, rangers to continue to monitor // Rangers located the fresh carcass of an adult zebra entangled by a snare around the neck // Rangers recovered 1 medium size snare set // Report received about a buffalo inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and found fresh buffalo tracks, but unable to locate the animal in thick bush // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and then exited on their own, a few wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Report from the community about a giraffe stuck in a river, rangers responded and rescued her from the river, however she then passed away, body condition confirmed to be weak from the drought // Lion killed 1 cow

09 March 2023
Report received from the community about an elephant walking with difficulty on the back right leg, rangers responded and confirmed an adult male elephant with a suspected spear injury on the back right leg, rangers backtracked to identify where it was speared and confirmed it had drank water at a trough where tracks were then interfered with livestock, vet was unable to respond that day and rangers will continue to monitor //Big Life intel and joint investigation lead to the arrest of 1 suspect with 3 pieces of elephant tusk weighing 56kg on a motorbike, suspect managed to escape due to public commotion, suspect has other pending cases and is marked as wanted // Rangers reported an abandoned sub adult elephant, rangers joined him into a herd of elephants with a suspected mother, rangers will continue to monitor // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence and exited on their own, no damage caused // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence and damaged several outriggers while exiting // Another report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence, damaged several outriggers and wires, fence attendants made repairs // Report of cow injured on the leg by 2 lions, rangers assisted in transporting it home // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 7 goats in 3 incidents, lion killed 2 cows

08 March 2023
Rangers reported the carcass of a juvenile elephant, no tusks to recover as they hadn't developed, cause of death unknown // Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects in possession of impala meat weighing 55kg // Rangers found the decomposed carcass of an elephant calf, tusks had not developed, cause of death unknown // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, attempted to push them out but were unsuccessful, damaged 2 wires, later confirmed the group of elephants left on their own, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Report received about a giraffe that was unable to stand, rangers located the animal and its condition, unable to move or stand, cause of weakness unknown // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence through an open gate, damaged wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented another 2 crop raids in 2 locations // Hyena killed 1 donkey, leopard killed 1 cow

07 March 2023
Rangers located the fresh carcass of an adult zebra, cause of death unknown, suspected human related // Rangers continued the search for the elephant with a snare on its leg, but were unsuccessful, operation to continue // Rangers responded to a crop raid and attempted to push them out and into a conservancy, but the elephants went into thick brush, later it was confirmed that they exited on their own, no damage caused // Report of an elephant that had chased people, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat and 1 cow in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

06 March 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited a different gate after breaking it, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers searched for the elephant from yesterday who was dragging a snare around its leg, they did not locate it, operation to continue // Report received that elephant went inside the crop protection fence and exited the same point, damaging one tall post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers controlled elephants during a crop raid // Hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents

05 March 2023
Report of an elephant with a suspected snare injury, rangers responded and located an adult elephant dragging a snare on the right leg, vet informed, rangers will continue to monitor, more to follow // Rangers found the carcass of an adult gazelle with a rope around the left leg, cause of death confirmed human related

04 March 2023
Rangers found the 1 day old carcass of a juvenile elephant, aged about 2 weeks old, cause of death suspected to killed by lions or hyenas whose tracks were confirmed on scene // Rangers reported the 1 day old carcass of an adult civet, cause of death unknown // Report that elephant entered a boma and damaged 3 posts and planted trees, rangers responded and confirmed the incident // Report that elephant damaged a borehole water pump and 2 water pipes // Hyena killed 1 goat

03 March 2023
Rangers responded to the report of an adult elephant carcass, confirmed the 2 day old carcass of an adult female elephant with a spear wound on the left side of the stomach, cause of death confirmed human related, ivory recovered // Report that an unknown suspect stole goats, dog unit responded and tracked the suspect, rangers made an arrest, 6 goats were recovered // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them back to conservancy, 2 wires damaged in the process, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephants from crop raiding, no damage caused // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them away before they crop raided // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents

02 March 2023
Report received about a speared elephant, rangers responded to find an adult elephant with an injury on the right rear leg, vet responded and successfully treated 1 wound on the right rear leg, cause of injury unknown, suspected spear wound, rangers will continue to monitor // Report of person bitten by a snake of unknown species, was taken by BLF vehicle for treatment // Report of elephant entering and exiting the the crop protection fence, no damage caused // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 cow

01 March 2023
Report of a fire that broke out in national park, joint response discovered the fire had burned itself out and mopped up burning logs, cause of fire unknown // Report received about a cow being injured by an elephant, rangers responded and confirmed the cow was not injured by an elephant but it got into a hole that injured its left leg // Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult zebra, no physical injuries, cause of death unknown // Rangers pushed elephant out from the inside of the crop protection fence // Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult eland, cause of death unknown // Hyena killed 5 goats and 2 cows in 4 incidents

28 February 2023
Rangers laid an ambush and arrested 5 suspects in hideout with suspected eland meat in national park, recovered 3 knives, 3 maasai swords, 1 panga, solar panel and 6 snares // Report of an elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and confirmed entry and exit through the same point // Rangers spotted an elephant that was unable to get up, teams attempted to lift it, but it could not stand and the vet determined her chance of survival was minimal and it was decided to humanely euthanize the elephant, ivory recovered // Report of elephant that intered the crop protection fence, rangers pushed it back to conservancy // Report of a giraffe that entered a homestead damaging a fence and planted trees // Rangers received information from the community about the decomposed carcass of a wildebeest trapped by a snare on the neck // Hyena killed 1 cow

27 February 2023
Rangers reported an adult elephant with an injury on the left foreleg, vet responded and successfully treated for 1 wound on the left foreleg, cause of injury unknown, suspected to be a sharp object, rangers to continue monitoring // Rangers received information about a zebra with a snare around the neck, vet responded, darted the zebra and removed the snare // Rangers found the 2 day old carcass of a gazelle, cause of death confirmed human related, in the same area recovered leaves of miraa, pieces of polythene paper, investigation ongoing // Rangers recovered a broken piece of ivory weighing 1kg // Report of giraffe that went inside a boma, rangers informed, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 cow and 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 cow, leopard killed 1 goat

26 February 2023
Rangers reported the carcass of an eland butchered by unknown suspects in national park, rangers laid ambush but the suspects did not return // Rangers recovered 16 freshly laid medium snares in national park // Rangers reported the carcass of an adult gazelle, cause of death unknown // Report received about the fresh carcass of a zebra, rangers responded and located the fresh carcass of an adult zebra in the area with a poisoned arrow // Rangers located an adult giraffe entangled with a snare on the neck, vet informed and responded, the giraffe was darted and the snare was removed // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence that exited on their own, uprooted one post and damaged wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found the same farm being fenced from the previous day, rangers were ordered to stop the activity immediately until relevant documents are produced // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 2 goats in two incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

25 February 2023
Report from a community member that a leopard entered a boma and killed a goat, rangers responded and confirmed the leopard was speared to death inside the boma // Rangers responded to a report of elephants inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them back to conservancy, damage to 1 wire on exit // Rangers pushed another group of elephants away from farms during a crop-raid // Rangers found a farm being fenced by unknown suspects, rangers stopped them since no relevant documents were produced // Report that 2 rangers got injured by a jack while trying to push a BLF vehicle that got stuck, both taken to hospital for treatment // Rangers controlled elephants during a crop-raid // Hyena killed 2 goats and injured 1, in 2 incidents

24 February 2023
Joint response to a fire in national park managed to put out an area of an estimated 200 acres, cause of fire unknown, suspected arsonists // Report of unknown suspects that tried to break in to satellite repeater/mast hut to cut camera trap wire in national park, later learned that KWS had arrested the responsible suspects // Rangers responded to a motorbike accident involving staff from a partner organization and transported him to hospital for treatment // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, several basal wires and outriggers damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers recovered a medium size snare set in national park // Rangers reported the carcass of an adult giraffe butchered by 3 unknown suspects that escaped on motorbike // Rangers prevented 2 separate elephant crop-raids // Hyena killed 4 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 goat and 1 cow

23 February 2023
Report of an adult elephant carcass, rangers responded and confirmed the carcass of an adult male elephant, both tusks intact, cause of death electrocuted by a powerline, ivory was recovered // Rangers located the adult giraffe with a snare on its neck, vet responded and successfully darted and removed the wire from its neck // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited the same way, uprooted the gate post and bent outriggers // Rangers controlled elephants crop raiding in 3 incidents // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

22 February 2023
Report of an adult giraffe unable to stand or move, rangers responded and confirmed the animals state, however the animal died shortly after, no physical injuries, cause of death suspected natural // Report received about a giraffe with a snare, rangers responded and confirmed an adult giraffe with a snare on the neck, vet informed, more to follow // Rangers confirmed that an unknown number of elephants damaged water pipes // Rangers found the carcass of an adult giraffe, cause of death unknown // Report of 2 cows injured by lion // Rangers prevented a crop raid by elephant // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 4 incidents, lion killed 5 cows and 1 goat in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

21 February 2023
Report received about water drilling, rangers responded and located 2 people with a driller, the owner claimed to have all the documents but did not present them to the rangers, they were ordered to stop the activity immediately until relevant documents were produced, more to follow // Rangers pushed away 3 elephants from community settlements // Report received about a crop raid, rangers responded and tried to push them away but were unsuccessful, shortly after they exited on their own, damaged 1 gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 3 cows in 2 incidents, lion killed 1 cow, 2 goats, and 1 donkey in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

20 February 2023
Report of an adult giraffe unable to move or stand, rangers responded and confirmed the giraffe was weak and died shortly after, cause of death unknown // Report of elephant that entered a school compound in the night, damaging a fence and planted trees // Rangers prevented elephants from crop raiding // Rangers controlled elephant during a crop raid // Jackal killed 1 goat

19 February 2023
Report of elephant inside of the crop protection fence, no damage caused // Cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 3 cows in 3 incidents

18 February 2023
Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence and exited on their own, damaged 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Report of an elephant inside the crop protection fence through an open gate and exited the same way, uprooted 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found the carcass of an adult giraffe that was treated on 2/16 // Cheetah killed 1 goat

17 February 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them out, no damaged caused // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, 1 donkey, and 1 cow in 3 incidents 

16 February 2023
Joint operation successfully located and darted the giraffe from 2/15, a snare on the giraffe's neck and both legs was removed // Report of a person being chased by a group of elephants, rangers responded and confirmed the incident, eventually locating the man who was not injured // Report of elephant on the inside of the crop protection fence, they exited on their own damaging a wire and uprooting a post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult zebra, cause of death unknown // Rangers arrested a suspect with giraffe meat weighing 40kg, took the rangers to the carcass and confirmed the giraffe was an adult male, motorbike was recovered // Rangers controlled elephants on 2 separate crop raids // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 2 goats

15 February 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects including a police officer in possession of 1 piece of elephant tusk weighing 10kg // Rangers found a several day old carcass of an adult giraffe with 1 spear wound on its left hind leg, rangers backtracked but unsuccessful // Community reported unknown suspects moving around in the bush with unknown intentions, rangers responded and confirmed the tracks of 3 unknown suspects with a motorbike that was used to carry meat from a giraffe found killed last night in the same area, rangers tracked them but unsuccessful, investigation ongoing // Joint operation stopped a driller truck drilling water on a farm until relevant documents are produced, more to follow // Report of elephant entering a boma, rangers responded and confirmed the incident, elephants fed on dry stacks and destroyed a tree inside the compound // Report of a lion breaking into a boma and killed 2 goats, and injuring a 3rd // Rangers controlled elephants during a crop raid // Hyena killed 6 goats in 4 incidents, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents, lion killed 3 goats

14 February 2023
Report received about elephants inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and confirmed that they had exited on their own, damaging 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Report of a zebra with a fresh cut, rangers responded and found a sub adult zebra with fresh cut on the back, rangers backtracked to identify the point of attack but were unsuccessful due to livestock and human movements // Report of a giraffe with a snare on its back leg, rangers responded but were unable to track the giraffe due to darkness, operation to resume in daylight // Rangers prevented elephants from crop raiding // Hyena killed 1 cow, lion killed 1 goat

13 February 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 3 suspects with impala, bushbuck, and guinea fowl meat // Follow up from 2/12, rangers searched for the elephant with spear injuries, but were unsuccessful, operation to continue // Rangers controlled elephants during a crop raid // Rangers prevented 2 separate crop raids // Lion killed 2 cows and 2 goats in 2 incidents

12 February 2023
Report of a lone elephant calf, rangers responded and found the calf, rangers observed a swollen right leg, vet informed, more to follow // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 3 suspects in possession of 12 pieces of elephant tusk weighing 58kg // Report of elephant that broke into a boma, rangers responded and confirmed the damage // Rangers prevented buffalo from crop raiding // Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Rangers found an elephant with spear wounds on hind right thigh, vet informed // Hyena killed 2 cows and 1 goat in 3 incidents

11 February 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, damaging fence wires, they exited on their own, fence attendants made repairs // Report of elephant inside compound, 2 posts damaged and were repaired // Rangers reported that 52 cows were illegally grazing inside sanctuary, rangers held the cows until the fines were paid // Report of a giraffe that went inside a school compound, rangers responded to discover the giraffe had exited on its own, 6 posts were damaged to the fence // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Rangers prevented an additional crop raid in another location // Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

10 February 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them to conservancy, damaged 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Another group of elephants were inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them to conservancy, no damage caused // Rangers reported a group of cows illegally grazing inside sanctuary, rangers moved the cows to outpost and released them after fines paid // Rangers prevented a large group of elephants from crop raiding // Hyena killed 7 goats in 4 incidents

09 February 2023
Rangers located an adult elephant with an injury on the left leg, vet responded and treated him for 2 fresh spear wounds // Joint intel led to the arrest of 2 suspects with 4 pieces of elephant tusk weighing 14.5kg // Aerial patrol spotted a zebra carcass with a spear, rangers were informed and responded to confirm the fresh carcass and spear attached on the back, rangers backtracked to identify the point of attack but tracks were interfered by thick vegetation, spear was recovered // Rangers reported the carcass of an adult eland, cause of death unknown, suspected natural // Report from a scout about an elephant that entered a boma and destroyed planted trees and the fence of the boma // Rangers controlled elephants during crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 2 incidents

08 February 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, uprooted one post and cut wires, rangers responded and took photos for identification, fence attendants made repairs // Another report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, uprooted one post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers reported an adult giraffe with an old injury on its left leg, cause of injury unknown // Rangers pushed away elephants that were within human settlements, no damage caused // Rangers found 2 people cutting live trees and had made a charcoal kiln, shared with area chief who will take action to address charcoal burning in the area // Hyena killed 14 goats and 1 cow in 4 incidents

07 February 2023
Report of elephant blocking the path within settlements, rangers responded and located the animals and pushed them away from community paths, no damage caused // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence that entered through various points and exited on their own, several wires damaged // Rangers reported the carcass of a buffalo calf, cause of death unknown // Rangers prevented elephants from crop raiding // Follow up from yesterday regarding the injured elephant, they searched but did not locate the animal, operation to continue // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, lion killed 1 cow

06 February 2023
Rangers reported a 2 day old giraffe carcass slaughtered by unknown suspects and meat taken with a motorbike // Report received about a mentally ill woman that was lost, Big Life's dog unit responded and tracked her down, rangers returned her home safely // Report of elephant going inside the crop protection fence and exiting on their own, uprooted one post // Another report of elephant inside the crop protection fence that went inside an open gate and exited the same way // Report of 2 elephants stuck in a swap, rangers responded and confirmed the elephants in the same area are ok // Report of a fire in national park, joint response confirmed the fire was burning itself out // Received a report from partner about an injured elephant, rangers responded to search for the injured elephant but were unsuccessful, operation to continue

05 February 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence uprooting a post, rangers pushed them out and towards conservancy // Rangers found an adult zebra with an injury on the neck that appears to be a cut, rangers to monitor // Rangers found a carcass of the adult monkey that was reported to have chased lodge staff on 2/2 // Report from the community that a hippo was disturbing farmers, rangers responded and found an adult hippo near human settlements, rangers pushed him away, its body condition was confirmed ill, but no injuries observed, rangers to monitor, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 cow, jackal killed 1 goat

04 February 2023
Report of unknown number of cows illegally grazing in sanctuary, rangers responded and moved a total of 103 cows belonging to different owners, rangers released the impounded cows after fines were paid // Rangers recovered 3 fresh laid medium snares // Rangers found an elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed it back to sanctuary, no damage caused // Report of a fresh carcass of an adult giraffe slaughtered by unknown number of suspects, rangers confirmed the incident and found 2 motorbike tracks crossing back to Tanzania // Big Live intel led to the arrest of 5 suspects with bushmeat of a wildebeest weighing 12kg and eland weighing 15kg // Follow up from yesterday's report of stolen goats, rangers took the suspect to the boma where he'd been keeping stolen goats and found 1 live goat sold to someone while another was sold and slaughtered by a butcher, area chief and police will hold a meeting concerning the matter, suspect returned to the police station, more to follow // Hyena killed 3 goats and 1 cow in 3 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

03 February 2023
Rangers received information about an adult elephant walking with difficulty on the back left leg, rangers responded and located the elephant, vet informed, responded and treated the elephant for 3 spear injuries on the back, rangers to continue monitoring // Rangers arrested one suspect who stole a goat, rangers interrogated him and he mentioned his accomplice and admitted to stealing 13 goats // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, basal wire and several posts damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Report of an elephant that went inside the crop protection fence through an open gate and later exited the same way, no damaged caused // Report of elephants blocking community paths by borehole, rangers moved them away, no damage caused // Report of elephant within settlements, rangers responded and pushed them away // Rangers found approximately 70 cows illegally grazing in sanctuary, rangers holding them awaiting the owners // Rangers searched for yesterday's reported monkey but were unsuccessful, more to follow // Hyena killed 3 cows, leopard killed 1 goat

02 February 2023
Big Life intel led to a joint investigation leading to the arrest of 3 suspects that had 40kg of raw wildebeest meat and 3kg of cooked wildebeest meat // Rangers received information about elephant that were near human settlements and blocking paths, rangers moved them away, no damage caused // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, they exited the same way, damaged wires and uprooted a post // An additional report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them to conservancy, wires damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found 47 cows illegally grazing in sanctuary, rangers held them at the outpost awaiting owners and the case was later resolved // Report received of an adult monkey suspected of suffering from rabies was chasing local lodging staff, rangers responded and found an estimated 50 monkeys but non appeared aggressive, they searched but were unsuccessful, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

01 February 2023
Information was received about a giraffe that was killed by unknown suspects,  joint response lead to finding 3 sacks of zebra meat at the same area, investigation ongoing // Elephant went inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them back into a conservancy, damaged wires, fence attendants made repairs // Another report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them away, no damage caused // Another report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, damaged one wire, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephant from crop raiding // Hyena killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

31 January 2023
An off-duty ranger apprehended 2 suspects with gazelle meat, rangers responded and arrested the suspects, gazelle meat weighed 11.8kg and was caught by a snare, recovered 1 panga and 1 torch // Report of illegal development by unknown people, rangers responded and found approximately 15 people repairing houses and fencing land, rangers stopped them and informed a local coordinator // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, several wires were damaged // Report of a fresh adult giraffe carcass, cause of death unknown

30 January 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, they exited on their own at the same point and uprooted a fence post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat

29 January 2023
Joint operation to assist with elephant inside the crop protection fence, an elephant entered a boma through a concrete wall damaging it along with trees inside the boma, rangers pushed it away, wires and post were damaged on their exit // Big Life intel led to the arrest of 1 suspect 1ith 2 pieces of elephant tusk weighing 22kg // Report of elephant inside crop protection fence, rangers responded and confirmed their location but were unable to push them away due to a lot of people and livestock movement in the area // Report of 2 lost cows killed by a lion, a lioness and cub joined the first lion, but the cub was attacked and injured, KWS informed and jointly responded to confirm 2 lost cows killed and 1 injured cub, rangers took the injured cub to an outpost, vet informed but the injured cub died shortly after // Rangers responded to the same location from 1/28 where water drilling was stopped and discovered the activity ongoing, rangers could not gain access as they had locked all the access gates, rangers ordered them to stop until they produced relevant documents, more to follow// Hyena killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 1 goat

28 January 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect, recovered 5 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 21kg and 1 motorbike // Rangers recovered 3 freshly laid medium snares // Rangers responded to a report of a borehole being drilled, the activity was ordered to be stopped until they could produce relevant documents // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, damaged one post, fence attendants made repairs // Report of an elephant that entered a boma at night and damaged a house // Report of lion killing 1 donkey and injuring another // Rangers prevented 2 separate crop raids

27 January 2023
Rangers pushed away elephant that were inside of the crop protection fence // Report of an elephant crop raid in another location

26 January 2023
Rangers arrested a suspect in possession of bushmeat, suspected eland, and 1 sack of miraa, two others escaped // Joint investigation lead to the arrest of 1 suspect in possession of zebra meat weighing 400kg // Rangers tracked yesterday's reported inured elephant, vet responded and successfully treated the adult elephant for a fresh spear wound on the left leg, rangers to continue monitoring // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on its own // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them back to conservancy // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

25 January 2023
Report of a sub-adult elephant carcass was reported, a joint investigation led to confirming the 1 month old carcass of a sub-adult elephant, cause of death unknown, tusks recovered // A report was received about an injured elephant with a suspected spear wound, teams were on the lookout, more to follow // Report of rangers that were charged by buffaloes, no injuries // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers prevented a crop raid and pushed them back to conservancy, no damage caused // Report of a cow injured by elephant, incident was confirmed // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

24 January 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited the same entrance, uprooted a gate post, fence attendants made repairs // Separate report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited the same point, damaged outriggers and wires, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers responded to a motorbike accident, rider sustained minor injuries to his face, he was taken to the hospital  // Report of an elephant with an injury, rangers searched and were unable to locate it, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 cow, leopard killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

23 January 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 1 suspect with 3 sacks of sandalwood weighing 23kg // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed it away, no damage caused // Report of elephant crossing the crop protection fence damaging 3 wires on exiting, fence attendant informed // Hyena killed 7 goats in 4 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

22 January 2023
Rangers received information about an elephant limping with a suspected injury, vet informed and responded, an adult elephant was successfully darted and treated for a for a spear injury on its trunk // Report of elephant inside a school compound damaging the fence // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, rangers responded and pushed them into sanctuary // Hyena killed 5 goats in 3 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

21 January 2023
Ranger received information about suspects that broke into a lodge and stole money, dog unit followed up in a joint operation and tracked the suspects, tracks indicated they went through a gate on a motorbike, polive took fingerprints, investigation ongoing // Ranger received information that an elephant damaged a water tank, damaged was confirmed // Elephant crossed a fence into a compound and damaged borehole pipes, fence attendents made repairs // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Rangers prevented a crop raid // Hyena killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

20 January 2023
Rangers received a report of a person injured by a buffalo, rangers responded and confirmed an adult male herder was injured on his left ribs, rangers took him to hospital for treatment // Report of elephant that crossed the crop protection fence and exited on their own through another point, uprooted several posts, fence attendants repaired it // Report of an elephant that entered a boma and scared the cattle out, rangers responded and confirmed damage of a thorny fence, no cows were harmed // Report of giraffe that went inside a primary school compound, rangers responded and discovered tracks of giraffe and that the animal was pushed away by a community member // Lion killed 1 cow, jackal killed 2 goats in 2 incidents

19 January 2023
Big Life intel led to the arrest of 6 suspects in possession of 2 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 4.5kg // Elephant reported inside the crop protection fence, 1 wire damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers controlled elephants during a crop raid // Cheetah killed 1 cow

18 January 2023
Report of elephant crossing the crop protection fence, rangers responded and confirmed their entry and exit, 1 short post damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Another report of elephant entering farms and crop raiding, rangers responded and confirmed the elephant exit point, they uprooted 2 tall gate posts and 1 short post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers controlled elephant during crop raid // Lion killed 3 cows in 2 incidents, cheetah killed 3 goats, leopard killed 1 cow calf

17 January 2023
Rangers arrested a suspect inside national park for charcoaling, 1 kiln was destroyed // Report of elephant inside crop protection fence, exited the same way entered, uprooted several posts and outriggers, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented an elephant crop raid // Hyena killed 3 cow calves and 1 goat in 2 incidents, jackal killed 1 goat

16 January 2023
Successful joint operation to translocate elephant responsible for the incident on 1/13, an adult female, a sub adult, and calf were all darted and relocated into national park // Report of elephant crossing the crop protection fence, damaging wires and posts, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 2 goats, lion killed 1 cow, cheetah killed 1 goat

15 January 2023
Joint operation found the carcass of a giraffe butchered by unknown suspects, escaping with the meat using a motorbike, cause of death confirmed poaching // Rangers received a report of an adult elephant that killed a cow, community upset over this incident and the recent human death // Rangers received information about a mentally ill man, rangers responded and transported him to town // Rangers reported an adult zebra walking with difficulty, cause of condition unknown // Rangers found a charcoal kiln in national park and destroyed it // Rangers controlled elephants during a crop raid // Hyena killed 1 cow

14 January 2023
Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects with suspected zebra meat // Rangers conducted a joint operation to search for the elephant responsible for the incident on 1/13, was located and will be monitored until the truck arrives for translocation // Received information that cows and herder were chased by elephants the day before, rangers responded and confirmed the elephants had moved away from the area, herder and cows ok // Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence, exited the same way, uprooted 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found the carcass of an adult giraffe entangled in a snare in national park, rangers laid an ambush in the same area but were unsuccessful

12 January 2023
Report of elephant inside the crop protection fence and exited on their own, one fence post damaged, fence attendants made repairs // Report of abandoned juvenile gazelle that went inside a boma, rangers responded and rejoined it with a heard of other gazelles with suspected mother // Report of plastic water tank damaged by elephant at primary school // Follow up from 1/5 report of a poisoned lion, he was found today and is progressing well // Rangers received a report of a speared giraffe, partner responded and confirmed the giraffe had a spear attached, but it fell out as it ran away, more to follow // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat, lion killed 2 calves

11 January 2023
Report of a hyena inside a school compound, rangers responded and located an adult striped hyena and successfully pushed him out of the compound // Report of elephants inside a school compound that damaged a water tank, rangers responded and pushed the elephant away // Rangers controlled elephants during a crop raid

10 January 2023
Rangers received a report of a lion cub carcass with injuries, rangers responded with partners and confirmed at 6-month-old lion cub suspected to have been killed by other lions that make an eland kill in the same area, confirmed injuries to stomach, back, and neck // Joint operation led to the arrest of 2 suspects for cutting down live trees for logs in national park // Rangers located the zebra from the previous day with a snare on its neck, vet informed and responded but could not dart as the zebra fled into thick bush, rangers to continue to monitor, more to follow // Elephant went inside compound crossing an electric fence and damaging one post, rangers pushed him into conservancy, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers prevented elephants from crop raiding // Lion killed 1 cow

09 January 2023
Big Life intel and joint operation led to the arrest of 5 suspects in possession of 6 pieces of elephant tusks weighing 31.9kg concealed in a sack of charcoal, motorbike was also recovered // Rangers found an adult zebra with a snare on its neck, vet informed, more to follow // Rangers reported a fresh carcass of an adult eland, no physical injury observed, cause of death suspected natural // Report of elephant inside compound and damaging one post, rangers pushed them toward conservancy, repair scheduled for tomorrow // Rangers reunited 2 ostrich chicks that were collected by herders on 1/8, the chicks joined 4 ostriches // Rangers controlled elephants during crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, cheetah killed 1 goat

08 January 2023
Rangers arrested 2 suspects with 10 building logs in national park, also recovered 1 panga, water and miraa // Rangers recovered an old small snare set in national park // Rangers reported an adult zebra with a spear injury on the back left leg, rangers backtracked and confirmed the zebra was speared by herders, rangers tracked them but were unsuccessful // Report of water pipes being stolen by unknown suspects at primary school, dog unit responded and tracked 1 suspect to the road where they lost the tracks, suspects escaped by motorbike // Rangers pushed elephants from inside the crop protection fence back into conservancy // Report of a  school's water tank being damaged in the night by an elephant // Rangers received a report that 2 ostrich chicks were collected by herders, rangers responded and confirmed, more to follow // Rangers controlled elephants during a crop raid // Hyena killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

07 January 2023
Rangers continued to monitor the adult male elephant from 1/6 until the vet responded and treated the elephant for a spear wound // Elephant went inside compound damaging 1 post, fence attendants made repairs // Elephants spotted inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them out and into conservancy, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found the fresh carcass of an adult giraffe, cause of death unknown // Rangers recovered 2 medium size snares and an old carcass of a cow caught by a snare // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow

06 January 2023
Rangers received a report of elephant tracks with blood spots suspected to have been speared, rangers responded and searched, locating an adult elephant with a suspected spear injury on the right foreleg, vet informed but unable to respond, rangers to continue to monitor, more to follow // Report of elephants inside a compound, they damaged a fence and 4 posts, rangers pushed them toward conservancy, fence attendants made repairs // Rangers found the carcass of an adult impala, cause of death unknown // Rangers received information about elephants near settlements and blocking paths, rangers pushed them away toward national park // Follow up on the lion treated on 1/5, showing major progress, but not able to move far, the lions brother is healthy and was protecting him through the night // Rangers investigated the juvenile eland killed by unknown suspects, but were unable to identify suspects // Jackal killed 1 goat

05 January 2023
Report of an adult lion suspected to have fed on a poisoned carcass and unable to move, rangers, partners, and the vet responded and rangers confirmed the lion fed on a giraffe carcass poisoned by unknown suspects, vet darted and treated the lion, the poisoned carcass was burned completely, rangers to continue monitoring the lion // Report of a juvenile eland killed by unknown people and fed on by domestic dogs, cause of death confirmed human related, more to follow // Report of elephant near settlements, rangers responded and pushed them away // Hyena killed 1 goat, leopard killed 1 goat

04 January 2023
Report of elephant blocking the community path, rangers responded and pushed them into sanctuary, no damage caused // Report received that elephant were blocking livestock, rangers responded and pushed them away from settlements // Cheetah killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat

03 January 2023
Rangers found an elephant inside the crop protection fence, pushed him back into sanctuary, 1 short post damaged // Lion killed 1 goat, jackal killed 1 goat, leopard killed 3 goats in 3 incidents

02 January 2023
Report of elephants inside the crop protection fence, rangers pushed them out, no damage caused // Elephant went inside the crop protection fence and exited the same way, uprooted a short post, fence attendants made repairs // Hyena killed 1 goat, lion killed 1 cow, leopard killed 3 goats

01 January 2023
Report of elephant that went inside the crop protection fence through an open gate, rangers responded and pushed him to sanctuary // Report from a community member that 3 unknown people broke into his boma and stole valuable items, Dog unit tracked the 3 suspects who stole pumping motor to a location where tracks were interfered by peoples' movements, incident reported to the area chief // Report that an elephant went inside the crop protection fence through a gate and exited the same way, had bent a steel gate // Rangers found the carcass of an adult zebra suspected to have been killed by unknown suspects // Cheetah killed 3 goats in 2 incidents, leopard killed 1 goat