Bonnie and Clyde are more than just members of our team; they are true heroes in our fight to protect wildlife. Not only have their incredible tracking skills been instrumental in countless anti-poaching operations and wildlife crime incidents, but they have also been true friends to the Maasai community, always willing to step in to help find a lost child in the bush or assist in solving a community crime.

So it is with a mix of emotions that we share that after nine years of dedicated services, our remarkable canines are shifting into retirement.

Bonnie is already enjoying her well-earned R&R, now off duty at Enasoit, a conservancy and lodge in Laikipia. Clyde will continue to support our rangers until new tracker dogs can be trained.

We are deeply grateful to our donors for providing the resources needed for our tracker dog program over the years.

Thank you for your support today on International Dog Day, and every day!

 Images from: Jeremy Goss, Joshua Clay, Black Bean Productions, and Jane Michaelides-Smith