240906 tracker dogs named

Reporting from Kenya and not 221B Baker Street, meet Holmes and Watson, our newly named tracker puppies.

Thanks to our wonderful donors' incredible creativity and support, we received over 200 name suggestions. It was a tough choice, but our rangers have spoken, and these enthusiastic puppies will soon start learning their new names.

Our energetic additions are training diligently and will soon be integral to our anti-poaching efforts, continuing the vital legacy of Bonnie and Clyde. With their keen senses and boundless energy, Holmes and Watson will play a crucial role in protecting the magnificent biodiversity of the Greater Amboseli ecosystem.

The kind support of our donors has not only named these wonderful pups but has also equipped them—and their ranger handlers—to safeguard wildlife and wild lands.

Stay tuned for updates on their progress and the incredible difference they’re making.

Photo: Joshua Clay