220902 keen graduatesA lot of students around the world are returning to school this week after summer break, but there’s one who won’t be, and that’s a good thing. And it’s because we recently celebrated the graduation of one of Big Life Foundation’s scholarship recipients from Mount Kenya University: Keen Munyei.

Rewind 12 years ago to the summer of 2010. The pupils of Class 8 at Shilishili Primary School on Mbirikani Group Ranch were the first in the area to take the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), and one of them was a bright young kid named Keen who finished top of his class.

Big Life funds scholarships for the best and brightest girls and boys in the region and so Keen was granted one to study at Oloitokitok Boy’s Secondary School. He continued to excel, earning a place at Mount Kenya University to take a Diploma in Business Information Technology in 2015 and then a started a degree there in 2018. Big Life helped to fund each stage of Keen’s education, and after a year’s delay because of Covid, he was finally able to attend his graduation ceremony.

Outside of the classroom, Keen’s interest was piqued by the organization that had helped him so much and he applied for an internship at Big Life in 2021. Because of his abilities, Keen was formally taken on in Big Life’s IT department at the beginning of 2022.

Says Keen, “Right now, Big Life is everything to me. Through all the paths of life that I have taken, I have been supported every step of the way by them, so I am very happy to be a part of this excellent organisation.”

We are delighted to have him as part of the team and proud of all he has achieved so far. Hongera Keen!