240823 Driving Education Forward

Ask anyone living in the Greater Amboseli Ecosystem what the most significant conservation-related benefit that they receive from Big Life is, and the answer is nearly unanimous: education.

Recognizing its importance, we have provided more than 1,977 scholarships to children living within our area of operation since 2000.

In 2023 alone, we awarded $369,157 in scholarships, including supporting 14 tertiary-level graduates.

Supporting education doesn’t just mean paying for school fees; Big Life also supports teacher salaries, conducts conservation curriculum in schools, funds school infrastructure projects like dormitories, and implemented a school lunch program during the 2022’s severe drought.

Many of Amboseli’s schools are situated in remote areas. Being able to access these areas in order to implement these programs presented a unique challenge.

To ensure we can reach all the students and schools we sponsor, The Capricorn Foundation generously funded the purchase of a vehicle for Big Life’s education department. In its first year, it has already covered 38,000 km.

Together with our donors and partner organizations like The Capricorn Foundation, we are laying the groundwork for positive transformation throughout the Greater Amboseli Ecosystem, where the future is looking even brighter for its humans and wildlife.

Photo: Joshua Clay