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In remote areas like those where Maasai communities live, access to healthcare is a constant struggle. Limited clinics and a shortage of qualified professionals leave these communities vulnerable, jeopardizing their health and well-being.

Big Life's Community Health Program is working to dismantle barriers to healthcare. In partnering with CHASE Africa and the Kajiado South Department of Health, we are able to bring vital services directly to remote communities through outreach clinics and backpack nurses.  Both offer a range of services, including consultations with clinical officers and nurses, HIV testing and counseling, nutritional assessments and supplementation, immunizations, basic pharmacy access, and family planning options.

Beyond these clinics, we also manage a dedicated team of Community Health Workers (CHWs). These trusted neighbors, who share the cultural background of the communities they serve, provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights education. Imagine having a familiar face, someone you know and trust, to guide you through complex decisions about your family's health. This is the invaluable role our CHWs fulfill. In 2022, over 108,000 people were reached with family planning information. In 2023, we reached over 140,000 people, increasing our reach by 30%.

We believe that conservation thrives when communities thrive. We advocate for a world where healthcare is a fundamental right, not a privilege. Together, we can build a healthier future for all. Photo: Nikki Best