190503 JohanMarais Elephants

We are so proud of the work we accomplished in 2018, and you should be too. Because without you, none of these successes would have been possible. Together, with your support, we are laying the groundwork for a world in which people are able to coexist with wildlife, and vice versa.
Our 2018 Annual Report is a testimony to the impact we have ALL had in East Africa and the Greater Amboseli ecosystem.
Among our many accomplishments, together we confiscated 1 TON of ivory, removing it from the black market; prevented 124 crop-raiding incidents, reducing human-wildlife conflict; lost ZERO rhinos and celebrated the birth of a new baby Eastern black rhino; arrested over 380 suspects in 167 incidents; and lost ZERO lions to retaliation in areas where our Predator Compensation Fund exists.
As we work with the local community in East Africa to protect wildlife for the benefit of us all, we THANK YOU for helping to make this critical work possible.

190503 2018YearinReview

190503 2018Highlights


Cover photo credit: John Marais