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Hi there, my name is Toby Maloy and this August I am taking on the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

As I am gearing up to climb the mountain, I am also raising funds for a charity that means a lot to me, they are called Big Life Foundation.

Based in East Africa, they share my passion for protecting the endangered animals that walk in the shadow of Kilimanjaro. They do this by fighting against illegal wildlife crime and poaching that sadly is still taking place. Since Big Life was founded the poaching of all animals within their area of operation has declined dramatically, but there is still more that can be done.

If you can, please consider donating to support Big Life's rangers who are out there in the field, doing incredible work in safeguarding the Greater Amboseli ecosystem. Your contribution can make a real difference.Thank you so much for joining me in supporting Big Life Foundation.

Donate in British Pounds: UKUK  

Please consider joining the RANGER CLUB monthly giving program, helping us protect wildlife and wild lands throughout the year with reliable funding we can count on.

You can also make a donation to Big Life Foundation In Honor or In Memory of someone special.


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